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Hair Replacement in Dubai: Get the Look You’ve Always Wanted

Hair Replacement in Dubai Get the Look You've Always Wanted
Hair Replacement in Dubai Get the Look You've Always Wanted

Stronger and thicker hair depicts half of your personality. Most people invest their time and money in their hair to make themselves look more appealing and attractive. Both men and women want their scalps to be full of hair so that they can style them as they wish. But people nowadays are facing hair loss to a greater extent irrespective of gender. Even younger generations are also having hair loss at such a young age. There are several reasons for hair loss such as malnutrition, genetics, and age. Most people when they reach a certain age they start to face baldness. Keratin is an important protein for hair growth. Therefore, when people do not take enough nutrition in their diet, this ultimately causes the hair to fall and results in baldness. This condition can be treated by Hair Replacement in Dubai: Get the Look You’ve Always Wanted. 

What is it?

Hair replacement involves a non-surgical procedure in which artificial or natural hair from another donor helps to fill in the balding and hair loss patches. It is a simple technique in which a physician attaches a mesh strip full of hair to the scalp by using a hairpiece. Moreover, this procedure also uses several techniques to reduce hair loss and help the individual to achieve their desired look in a short period.

How Does it work?

Hair loss occurs when the hair follicles become weak and do not get enough nutrition, and if this hair loss does not get treated it eventually results in baldness. Hair replacement methods can help to treat these complications. It includes several surgical procedures that extract the hair follicles from the recipient area and transplant them into the donor area where there is a deficiency. They are surgical interventions to treat alopecia, but it is not so invasive. These treatments are quite effective and much better than non-surgical procedures whose results do not last long.

Ideal Candidate:

The ideal candidate is the one who is suitable for the procedure and does not face any side effects during or after the procedure. Everyone is eligible for this procedure disregarding of gender. Because males are also encountering the same condition as females. In fact, they are way more possessive about their looks. Still and all individuals should have any one of the following characteristics to become suitable for this procedure.

  • Coming up against hair loss due to genetics, age factor, and certain medications.
  • Encountering alopecia in different areas of the scalp.
  • Does not have infections of the scalp.
  • Has strong and healthy hair follicles.
  • Thorough knowledge of the process.
  • Has legitimate and appropriate anticipations from the procedure.
  • Does not have any serious medical conditions.

Since every individual is not in good general health. Therefore, in the presence of some conditions opting for this treatment may not be appropriate. As it may aggravate hair loss or cause complications in general health. The following conditions may contraindicate this treatment.

  • Undergoing an active infection of the scalp.
  • Impaired blood flow.
  • Chronic illnesses such as diabetes and lupus.
  • Intolerance to specific hair replacement components.
  • Undergone any scalp surgery before.
  • Susceptibility to anesthesia.
  • Less an amount of hair in the donor area.
  • Scars on the scalp.
  • Going through auto-immune or bleeding disorder.

Pre Procedure:

Pre-procedure guidelines are the steps to follow before initiating the procedure. The doctor suggests these instructions after the consultation. He analyzes the past medical history of the individual to preclude any condition that may contravene this treatment. Moreover, he also examines the condition of the scalp to see the amount of hair loss.

  • The discussion with the doctors before initiating the treatment helps you to get enough information about the risks and advantages of the procedure. He also discusses the outcomes and method of the treatment.
  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medication two weeks prior to the treatment.
  • Drink enough amount of water to avert dehydration.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes or drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Utilize loose-fitting clothing to prevent pain and trouble while putting on and taking off them.
  • Get the proper amount of sleep one night before the procedure
  • Do not undergo any intrusive treatment before.


Hair is the fibers that arise from the scalps and continue to grow. They grow from the hair follicles that cup the hair root in the scalp. Hair follicles are the main part of the hair that provides nourishment to the hair. They help the hair to grow into its entire length and get stronger. Certain factors cause these hair follicles to get weaken and result in hair loss. There are different procedures for Hair Replacement in Dubai that aims to treat alopecia or hair loss in their own way and at time.


Follicular unit transplantation is a hair transplantation technique that is getting famous with each passing day. It is a safe and effective procedure that helps to treat hair loss on the scalp. According to recent research, this procedure has shown significant results in restoring hair. 

In this procedure, the doctor extracts the linear hair strip from the back and sides of the scalp. It is because these regions are more resistant to hair loss. He then transplants this strip into the recipient area. The transplanted follicles will grow over the course of several months and the patient will see a gradual return of hair growth in the recipient area. The whole procedure takes place in the presence of local anesthesia.


FUE technique is follicular unit extraction. It is a minimally invasive procedure that requires the extraction of the individual hair follicles and then transplanting them to the recipient area. Moreover, it is a safe and effective treatment that provides more natural-looking results. Because it does not need any sort of cuts or stitches and has a shorter recovery time.

The doctor harvests the hair follicles from the back and sides of the scalp and transplants them into the balding area. He removes the follicular unit from the donor region using a tiny punch instrument. Afterward, he places the follicular unit in a specific solution to keep the grafts viable till transplantation.


It is another well-known technique for hair loss recovery. It is also an obtrusive procedure that requires special equipment to extract and transfer the hair follicles. In this procedure, the doctor extracts the hair follicles by using an extraction tool from the sides and back of the scalp. He then administers them into the balding or thinning areas of the scalp by using a DHI implanter which is totally safe to use.

This is a revolutionary procedure that offers effective results, higher success rates, and minimal scarring.


FUSS signifies follicular unit strip surgery. It is an invasive hair restoration technique that also provides beneficial results in reducing hair loss. However, this procedure may not be suitable for people who have certain medical conditions. It involves the extraction of the strip of hair follicle from the donor area. So, there is a formation of the scar in the donor area.

After administering the local anesthesia, the doctor uses special equipment to remove the strip of the scalp with hair follicles then extracts the individual follicles and trim them into small-sized grafts. After preparing the recipient area, he transfers them to the scalp.


All these procedures are invasive and require proper time for recovery and showing outcomes. Since these treatments are different but they require almost similar aftercare measures to make outcomes more potent and long-lasting.

  • Avoid being exposed to UV rays while the sun is out.
  • Use antibiotic creams to prevent infections on scars.
  • Eat a lot of protein to increase the healing process.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity because it can cause sweating which can lead to infection.
  • Do not use hot water.
  • Maintain a healthy scalp to lower the chance of infection.
  • Put sunscreen on your head.
  • Take three weeks off from smoking and drinking after the treatment.
  • Keep your scalp covered as much as you can.


The outcomes of these procedures totally depend on the amount of hair loss and the type of procedure he chooses. Moreover, the recovery time is also conditional on the type of treatment and the condition of the client. All these procedures prove to be beneficial in providing natural-looking results. They make the scalp look full of hair which ultimately, increases the self-confidence of the person.

Side Effects of Non-Surgical Treatments:

Side effects of non-surgical treatments are not hazardous. Such treatment does not provide any risk to general health. And it does not have the risk of getting infections and scarring. However, the non-surgical intervention is more prone to cause allergies and counterproductive results. In addition, it also requires more maintenance and attention to keep the results durable.

Potential Side Effects of Hair Replacement in Dubai:

While hair replacement procedures have evolved significantly over the years, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with the treatment. It’s important to note that not everyone will experience these side effects, and they can vary depending on individual factors and the specific technique used. Let’s explore some of the possible side effects:

1. Swelling and Discomfort:

After the hair replacement procedure, it’s common to experience some swelling and discomfort in the treated areas. This is a normal reaction to the surgery and can be managed with medication prescribed by your surgeon. The swelling and discomfort usually subside within a few days or weeks.

2. Itching and Scab Formation:

As the transplanted hair follicles heal, you may experience itching and scab formation in the recipient area. It’s essential to resist the urge to scratch or pick at the scabs, as this can interfere with the healing process and potentially lead to infections or scarring. Following the aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon can help alleviate itching and promote proper healing.

3. Temporary Hair Shedding:

After the hair replacement procedure, it’s common for the transplanted hair to shed within the first few weeks. This shedding is a normal part of the hair growth cycle and should not cause alarm. New hair growth will gradually emerge from the transplanted follicles in the following months.

4. Infection and Bleeding:

While rare, there is a slight risk of infection and bleeding associated with hair replacement procedures. To minimize these risks, it’s crucial to follow strict hygiene practices and adhere to the post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon. Report any signs of infection or excessive bleeding to your healthcare professional immediately.

5. Scarring:

Scarring is an inherent risk in any surgical procedure, including hair replacement. However, advancements in techniques, such as follicular unit extraction (FUE), have significantly reduced the visibility of scars. Skilled surgeons can strategically place the incisions to minimize scarring and create natural-looking results.

6. Numbness or Lack of Sensation:

In some cases, patients may experience temporary numbness or a lack of sensation in the treated areas. This is usually a transient side effect that resolves over time as the nerves regenerate. It’s essential to discuss any concerns or persistent numbness with your surgeon.

7. Unnatural-looking Results:

Achieving natural-looking results is a primary goal of hair replacement procedures. However, in rare cases, the outcome may not meet the patient’s expectations. Factors such as the quality of the donor’s hair, the surgeon’s skill, and individual healing characteristics can influence the final result. It’s crucial to choose a reputable and experienced surgeon to maximize the chances of achieving the desired outcome.


Hair Replacement in Dubai: Get the Look You’ve Always Wanted by getting any of the procedures mentioned above. These are cost-effective procedure and does not cost a large amount. Nevertheless, the cost of these procedures totally depends on the condition of the patient and may vary according to it. He will get to know about the exact cost of the procedure after the consultation with the doctor.


Hair replacement in Dubai offers a viable solution for individuals struggling with hair loss. While the procedure has its benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects and risks involved. Understanding these side effects can help you make an informed decision and prepare for the recovery process. By choosing a skilled surgeon, following aftercare instructions diligently, and maintaining realistic expectations, you can increase the likelihood of successful Hair restoration. If you’re considering hair replacement in Dubai, consult with a qualified professional who can assess your suitability for the procedure and guide you through the process.


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