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Guidelines To Choose The Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Jaipur

Guidelines To Choose The Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Jaipur

Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, popularly known as the pink city is one of the biggest hubs of hair transplant in India. Let us first understand what is hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a day care minimally invasive surgical procedure that is performed by extracting and harvesting the hair grafts from the donor areas, the preparation of the channels or slits at the recipient site and transplantation of the hair grafts at the target bald site. Hair transplantation is one of the best hair loss solutions used worldwide by men or women who are witnessing Hair loss on scalp or other facial regions such as beard or moustache and even eyebrows. Some people who are not very content with their hairline or hair density and desire to make it more perfect can also opt for hair transplant. However, whether an individual is a good candidate for hair transplant or not is actually decided by the surgeon.

Hair transplant in Jaipur is extremely popular as the city is home to several world class hair transplant surgeons and their state-of-the-art clinics. A lot of international patients also fly into the city for mixing tourism with treatment. Hair transplant cost in Jaipur is very cut throat, since there is a huge competition and more and more clinics are trying to attract larger chunk of patients. The city is the hub of hair transplant industry since more than a decade and one of the India’s most popular hair transplant chain, Medispa Hair transplant clinics has a presence in Jaipur. Due to its persistent focus on the quality of hair transplant and the superb results, Medispa has gained a lot of trust and credibility in not only the local domestic market but also internationally.

So, if you are also looking for an extraordinary hair transplant with impeccable results then Medispa hair transplant clinic is definitely a trusted destination for it.

Hair Transplant Methods

There are 2 primary ways to perform hair transplant:

  1. FUT hair transplant: FUT hair transplant or the strip method. In this method, the surgeon carefully takes a thin strip or section of scalp tissue out from the donor area. Then, he dissects this strip under high resolution microscopes and harvests the hair roots from each section. After that, the surgeon separates each hair root from the strip. Then, the doctor sutures the donor area back with the help of an advanced technique termed as trichophytic closure which allows the donor site to heal with almost invisible scaring. The hair follicles so extracted are then carefully planted at the bald site taking utmost precaution of the alignment, spacing and aesthetics of the outcome. The surgeon uses the FUT technique when hair graft requirement is around 3000 – 3500 hair roots. This technique is often deployed in extensive hair loss and high-density hair transplant.
  2. FUE hair transplant: In this technique, the surgeon picks each hair root separately one by one from the donor area with the assistance of a punch like device. Then, he plants the extracted hair roots at the desired bald area. The surgeon uses this technique in cases where requirement of follicles is not so high i.e around 2000 – 2500 grafts. This method is deployed in early hair loss or facial hair loss cases.

With hair transplant it is quite possible to attain 100% natural looking results since it uses patient’s body or scalp hair which are permanent in nature and can last for a lifetime.

How to choose the best clinic for hair transplant?

The most common question that patients often have is the above, below we have tried to answer the question, hopefully it shall help you to screen through clinics and find some solution

  1. Quality of the hair transplant surgeon – The educational background, experience and the reputation of the surgeon is the foremost factor. The hair transplant surgeon should be highly qualified preferably a super specialist such as MCh. He/she should have great experience not only in terms of number of cases performed but also in terms of the varying complexity of cases treated. In today’s world with rapid internet connectivity and social media, it must not be a problem to research upon these points.
  2. Standard of facilities at the Clinic : So, once you have found a good surgeon, the next focus should be on the infrastructure of facilities at clinic, this includes not only the equipment but also the protocols, operatory etc. All these technological advancements or well laid out protocols multiply a surgeon’s ability to deliver superior results. The clinic should have all essential instruments of latest technology in order to ensure precise and highly safe environment.
  3. Past patient reviews or probably meeting past patients in person could also reveal a lot about the clinic especially in terms of measuring results or verifying on the post surgery care or follow up standards.
  4. If the surgeon is the owner of the clinic, then it’s a good sign in order to fix more accountability and ensure a long term association for continuity of treatment.
  5. Quality cum affordability centric clinic with genuine medical consultation
  6. Skilled and experienced manpower and team – Hair transplant is a team work, so apart from the surgeon, even the entire team should have well experience and courteous in handling patients.

How To Avoid The Side Effects After Hair Transplant Surgery?

Every surgery is related to certain risks. Hair transplant too is a minor surgery which is chose by the hair loss patients to cover the bald area on scalp or facial areas. The surgeon performs the hair transplant surgery by using your own hair. In the process, the surgeon removes the hair roots from the donor areas and then plants to the bald area. The people facing permanent hair loss opt this procedure.

The hair transplant has become very popular all across the world. The procedure is very well liked by the people. The results offered by hair transplant procedure are permanent. In addition, you can get good hair growth with natural looks. In India, hair transplant in Jaipur has gained much attention. The city is being well known for the best hair transplant industry. There are few very reputed clinics in the city providing excellent hair loss treatment. Besides the best treatment, the hair transplant cost in Jaipur has also become very affordable. The pink city is now known for the best and affordable hair loss treatment.

Medispa hair transplant clinic is among the best place for hair transplant in India. We are high in quality treatment and affordable in our cost. Our excellent services and facilities confirms the best hair transplant. Our team is the best and biggest for hair transplant in India. So if you wish to get the best hair loss treatment! Medispa hair transplant clinic is the one you should choose.

What are the side effects of hair transplant surgery?

Every surgery is related to some after effects. Same goes with hair transplant. Hair transplant is a minor surgery. Still there are some mild side effects, you could face after the procedure.

  1. Mild swelling: You could face some swelling after a hair transplant. The swelling might extend on forehead or till eyelids. This subsides within a week after the hair transplant on its own.
  2. Mild pain: It is normal to feel some pain after the hair transplant. This pain lasts for 3 – 5 days after the procedure.
  3. Numbness: You might feel numbness on the affected area which is normal. The numbness might subside in few days to months after the hair transplant.
  4. Itching: The treated area might itch after the hair transplant. The itching subsides within a week after the procedure.
  5. Scars: Any surgery is not possible without scars. But it is possible to get the hair transplant with almost invisible scarring.

How to avoid the side effects after hair transplant?

There are ways by which we can either avoid or treat the side effects occurring after a hair transplant.

  1. How to reduce swelling after a hair transplant?

The doctor would advise you to wear a head band after a hair transplant for first 2 days. You need to keep your head elevated while sleeping and should avoid smoking or drinking alcohol after the hair transplant. You need to take proper rest for first few days after the procedure.

  1. How to reduce pain after a hair transplant?

Pain is possible after a hair transplant. To reduce pain, you can take pain killer medicines. But take any medicine after a consult with the hair transplant doctor.

  1. Does numbness go away after hair transplant?

Numbness after hair transplant reduce on its own. It takes days to months for becoming normal.

  1. How to treat itching after hair transplant?

Itching after a hair transplant can be reduced by regularly cleaning the affected area carefully. The shampoo should be applied as per the instructions of the doctor. The lotions should be used after the shampoo.

  1. Is it possible to avoid infection after hair transplant?

Infections are rare after a hair transplant. The hair transplant should be performed in hygienic environment to avoid any sort of infection. In addition, you need to take proper after care to avoid infections.

  1. How to avoid scars after hair transplant?

You can get hair transplant with almost invisible scarring. You need to find the best doctor to perform the hair transplant to get the best looks. With the advanced methods, it is possible to get the best possible results.

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