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Fluid Measurement: An Ultimate Overview

Fluid measurement is a crucial part of ensuring that the end product or process meets the required safety and quality standards. Flow measurement is done using special kinds of devices called flow meters. Using the right kind of Flowmeter with the right application helps to get accurate measurements. In this article, we explain to you what flow measurement is and the various types of flow meters used in measuring flow. Read on for more information. 

What is Flow Measurement? 

Fluid measurement refers to acquiring or obtaining the amount of fluid or gas passing through a pipe or stored in a vessel either in volume or mass. Several factors determine which kind of flow meter one needs to use in a particular application. The operator needs to know the type of liquid that is being measured. It is also important to know how you will install and calibrate the flow meter so that it functions as intended. The operator also needs to know how the flow meter functions and how to operate it. 

While looking for different kinds of flow meters, one mistake that many operators make is choosing to buy cheap flow meters that don’t meet the required standards. Another mistake or ignorance is selecting a flow meter without knowing its proper application. Using cheap or wrong flow meters will end up costing you in the long run. One of the most important factors to consider is picking the right meter for the right application. To help you get a sufficient return on investment, we have mentioned and explain the various types of flow meters and their applications below. 

Types of Flow Meters Used in Industries 

Now that we know and understand what a flow meter is, let’s look at various flow meters found in the market. Let’s now focus our attention on the various categories of flow meters used.

Mechanical Flow Meters

You will find these types of flow meters in many industries and sectors. Buying, installing, and maintaining these kinds of flow meters is less costly than other kinds of flow meters. Proper fluid measurement is done using rotations from a turbine, paddlewheel, or propellers. They are getting the flow rate demands that the user first gets the liquid’s speed flowing the meter. The speed of the flow meter rotates the turbine or piston to provide the required flow rate.

The volumetric flow is fluid in mechanical flow meters directly related to the rotational speed of the blades. What is problematic about this type of flow meter is when used with dirty fluids with particles that clog the flow meter. This inflates the cost of maintaining these types of flow meters. Another setback of using mechanical flow meters is that they don’t give accurate readings during low flow pressure. Its effectiveness is determined by the high-pressure flow of the measured fluid.

Vortex Flow Meters

In these liquid flow meters, the flow rate is derived from vortices shed from the meter. The Flowmeter is dipped into the fluid that is supposed to be measured. When you want to get accuracy when measuring the flow rate of open channel areas, the vortex meter types are perfect. Swirls are created when the liquid flows through the pipe. These swirls are known as vortices. A frequency output is created when each vortex flow gets through. The frequency output produced is directly related to the volumetric flow of the fluid. The vortex type of flow meter also comes with another version with multiple functions. This version can give out temperature, pressure, density, mass, and volumetric flow rates.

Magnetic Flow Meter

When it comes to magnetic flow meters, the flow rate is determined by the fluids’ magnetic field going through the pipe. The principle behind these types of flow meters is called Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction. The voltage generated by the speed of the flowing fluid is directly proportional to the flow of water. Pure water flow can be measured by these flowmeters because there are no ions to measure. 

What to Consider when Choosing Proper Flow Meters 

There are several things that a user needs to consider first before settling for any kind of flow meter. One of these factors is whether the flow rate needs to be continuous or totalized. Knowing whether the flow rate data is required remotely or locally is also critical before selecting which type of flow meter to buy. All these factors plus a few others are necessary when you want to choose the right flow meter.

Fluid Characteristics

The fluid’s properties help to determine its characteristics. The temperature, viscosity, density, and many other characteristics will help you know which kind of flow meter is suitable for your application. Suppose you are not sure which flow meter is suitable for your application. In that case, you can just ask the manufacturer for more information regarding the accuracy and efficiency of a flow meter. The toxicity and how safe the fluid for human consumption also falls under characteristics. Detailed data providing the vital user information of the fluid’s composition or bubbles’ presence is vital before making a choice. 

The Pressure & Temperature of the Fluid 

The max and the min pressure and temperature need to be indicated to make the right choice when buying a flow meter. Pulsating and aeration of the fluid is also important if you want to choose the correct flow meter. If any safety measures need to be considered while cleaning or performing maintenance, they need to be provided first before deciding which flow meter to go for.


As we have explained, flow measurement is a vital process when dealing with fluids and gases. The top priority is to understand first the application of the flow meter before choosing one. Always go for the right flow meter based on the application to avoid inaccuracies of flow measurement. You can always ask the manufacturer to guide you on using a particular flow meter before buying one. 

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