
Finding difficulty to quit smoking? These tips can help you.


this is basically showing that we should avoid cigarettes for a healthy future

Smoking is accompanied by more negatives than positives. Time and again the fatal effects of smoking have been emphasized upon. Studies reveal the most smoker are willing to quit. Washing your hands from a long time addictive habit isn’t a piece of cake. More often than not, people leave the quitting process in between. the procedure of quitting is challenging and time – consuming. There are some tips to quit smoking that might ease the trouble. 

·        Personal plan 

Preparing a plan for quitting tailored according to your short term and long term process of quitting. This can help to get you on track by preparing a plan that includes your personal methods of quitting. Before preparing this plan, you can indulge in some self-questioning. You can contemplate the reasons for smoking, the need to smoke, why are you vulnerable to cigarettes, etc. Also, you can inform your friends and family about your intentions, so that they can support you. You can clean your home, workplace, car, etc. from all the sources of tobacco, research about the challenges that you might face in the process, and also you can discuss this with your doctor. 

·        Maintain a track 

Keeping a track of your triggers, your cravings, the stimulus for smoking can help you to alleviate these issues from your schedule, gradually. You can maintain a journal with your craving details. For example, when did you crave for it, why did you crave, are your feelings or emotions triggering it, do you crave for it when you are in a pressurized situation, how many times in a day does the craving arise, and were you able to resist it or not, are some basic questions that can provide you enough information for finding out the reason for your cravings for a smoke. 

You can avoid common triggers by distracting your mind. After meals, while drinking alcohol and in the company of smokers – these are the three influencing triggers for any smoker. You can try eating nuts or snacks while drinking. After meals, you can eat fruit or a healthy dessert. You can encourage your smoker friends to try quitting or you can try to stay away from them when they smoke. 

·        Withdrawal symptoms

The most challenging task for smokers is to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. Once these symptoms kick in, the ability to resist a smoke weakens. Cigarette cravings, Irritability, frustration, anger, anxiety or nervousness, Difficulty concentrating, Restlessness, Increased appetite, Headaches, Insomnia, Tremors, Increased coughing, Fatigue, Constipation or upset stomach, Depression, and Decreased heart rate are some of the withdrawal symptoms. The best way to deal with these symptoms is to keep in mind that it is just a phase while will go away with time. If you pass this phase, then you are just a quarter away from quitting completely. 

·        Positive reinforcement 

Think about all the money you can save if you quit smoking. Treating yourself time and again on the quitting journey can have some positive effects. Getting yourself an ice-cream, going out with friends, shopping, enrolling yourself in art classes, etc. are some rewards you can give to yourself for doing great so far. 

·        Think positively 

The cravings will turn around your head. Your thoughts are going to get wobbly and push you to take a puff. But you don’t have to give in. Think of the reasons, why did you start in the place, the benefits of quitting, saving all that money, becoming a better person free from an addicting habit, and the favor you will be doing to your body by quitting. Just keep walking, till you reach that end to the bridge. 

·        Weight imbalances 

Many quitters tend to gain weight during or after quitting. Smoking is a strong appetite suppressant. Many young men and women smoke to avoid gaining weight. The weight is restricted to a few pounds only. But if you substitute your cravings for a cigarette with unhealthy food, then you can gain more than expected. So try to maintain a nutritious balanced diet with healthy foods and beverages. 

·        Medicines and therapies 

There are some medicines and therapies that can help to quit smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy, non-nicotine medication, acupuncture, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, motivational therapy is some widely used therapies. The problematic factor about therapies is that the person trying to quit might have to try most of them to find out the one that works for them. 

The efforts and dedication required for quitting can be testing. The process is a long one and many options have to be explored to find the most suitable one. But with sheer will and keeping in mind why you decided to quit can keep you going. Once you quit, you can look at the brighter side of not being susceptible to diseases, having a healthy inside, and saving the money that you would have spent on smoking. These tips to quit smoking can bring you a step closer to your plan.

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