Computers and Technology

Facebook Lead Generation: Mistakes You Must Stop Making


One might be under the impression that the sole reason for Facebook’s existence is to frighten someone by preserving those mortifying middle school pictures on your parent’s Facebook page. However, it must be intriguing to learn there are, in fact, additional applications for the website. One of the most popular ones, especially for business-oriented users being “Lead Generation.”


“Lead” in the marketing world can be referred to as any individual indicating interest in a company’s product or service in any way, shape, or form. “Lead Generation,” therefore, can be termed the process of alluring and converting prospects into someone who has indicated an interest in your company’s product or service. Some popular examples being blog posts, job applications, live events, online events, etc. 


Facebook’s lead generation ability is one of the major reasons why organizations lean onto the social/online platform for advertising their products or services. However, it does so happen to be like your trip to Vegas with an equal chance to succeed significantly or fail terribly. Choosing the wrong campaign objective, budget, placement, and certain other understated mistakes may make one a victim of mediocre ad performance and misspent money. 


Common Mistakes while doing Facebook Lead Generation:

Some common blunders that are often turned a blind eye towards are:


1. Lack of Follow up

It is always important to evaluate your previous actions and improve on every step. Similarly, with lead generation, setting up the lead is only 50 percent of the work done. The following up on that stems from the effectiveness of the lead. The amount of leads is insignificant when the data collected is entered manually, as it is synonymous with sabotaging your goals with your hand. Managing the data collected efficiently is the crucial step that will help the company generate maximum traffic. Therefore, manual entry is something that must be eliminated.


2. Correct Instant form fields

The panic when you realize you haven’t downloaded the required PDFs for your exam is quite exhilarating but in a negative way. Similar panic must be felt when the necessary data is not collected through the forms posted after publishing the Lead generation ad. Instant forms are a popular manner of collecting information for the purpose of lead generation; various fields are included ranging from mobile number to even your foot size! However, not utilizing this instrument to its potential is disheartening. One must know the future use of the data so collected else the data is of absolutely no use. If it is required to send newsletters to the customers, not asking the email ID would be a blunder. Hence adding the appropriate form field is one mistake that is still gone unnoticed.


3. Multiple uses for instant forms

The mistake lies in the lack of awareness of the numerous uses of the indispensable tool- Instant forms. The most common way of utilizing this instrument is to merely collect email IDs and lengthen the list of prospective customers; however, there happen to be multiple uses apart from the aforementioned use. Inquiry forms being one where the customer preferences and needs can be obtained through the rightly phrased questions. Special offers and promotions of the product through rewards that can be immediately claimed. These multiple uses are rarely used to their full potential, leading to low traffic on the published lead.


4. Lack of introduction

Suppose there is a lousy introduction or worse, no introduction at all to a lead generation ad. In that case, it induces a potential customer to simply skip it as there is no information as to what the form is about or the reason for collecting the data. Adding an introduction section plays a crucial role in summarizing the product or service and helps the customer understand the purpose and what to expect from the same. A well-framed introduction also keeps the customer engaged with the ad and eventually fill the form and possible purchase the product or service. Not including the same will lead to missing the opportunity, to begin with, a catchy headline that helps enrapture the customers’ attention, adding custom images, and even including a short paragraph with bullet points informing the customer of the product service. 


Important Things That A Facebook Management Agency Should Handle


5. Device differentiation

Experience on every device is always different, and one might prefer to watch a Netflix show on the pc or desktop rather than through the compact mobile screen. There are various other decisions influenced merely based on the device that the user possesses. Not bearing in mind the device the user is operating reduces the effectiveness of the lead generation ads as some of the audience may not even see the ad if they are not using the application through a mobile or a handheld device. They may not be able to fill certain forms over their mobile and might need a pc or desktop, which diminishes the potency of the ad once again.


These were some of the major oversights that tend to decrease the overall efficiency and effectiveness of a student lead generation ad.


Overcoming Short-Comings

Quoting the wise words of Jim Rohn, “Focus on the solution, not the problem.” we must also focus on how to get past these mistakes and optimally utilize the blessed existence of Lead generation ads.


1. Freebies

Everyone loves free things. Unfortunately, most things in life have a heavy price on them, but through lead generation ads, one can offer free products to capture the customer’s attention and follow up. The positive psychological response to the mention of free items will positively influence the effectiveness of lead generation ads. 


2. Surveys are all the rage

Asking the customer to give feedback on the product or service offered is a very important step so if this is something that is skipped, do it right now! This also shows that the organization cares about the customer opinions, thus increasing the goodwill at the same time.

3. Videos are a must for lead generation

Motion graphics are always a super easy and effective manner of enrapturing the user as it is less time-consuming however delivers the desires message in the best way possible. The video must be short and crisp to maintain the captured attention of the user as studies have concluded that only one-third of a video is viewed by a user.


It can be thus concluded that lead generation ads on Facebook certainly play a powerful role in nurturing the potential of a business; however, it must be put to optimal use. One can now proudly draw the inference that your middle school photos aren’t the only motive for the existence of Facebook.

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