Real Estate

Everything you need to know about the homeowner association

Everything you need to know about homeowner association

Homeowner association is a non-profit association where all the members have mutual benefits. It is group of people elected by the home-owners in a community to oversee their properties. They also manage the finances of the community and enforce a set of rules and regulations that the resident must follow.

They help to provide value and make sure the community is a pleasant place to live. They work together to maintain peace, protect the properties, provides structure, and run the business affairs of the community.

Home-owner association is usually formed by home-owners and they hire home-owners management services to provide services and support the operations of the community.

The role of homeowner association 

The role of the homeowner association depends on the power given to them by the resident. They ensure the rules and regulation enforced by the association is duly followed by the residents.

Homeowner management services carry out the instruction of the homeowner management association. A homeowner association is responsible for maintaining peace and unity in the community.

They collect dues from residents and use them to pay for administrative funds and other bills. They also save part of the money collected from residents for major expenses.

Homeowner associations also settle disputes between community members. They can also impose fines on any resident who violates the rules and regulations of the community.

Responsibilities of Home-owner Association Management Company 

Homeowner Association Management Company represents the homeowner association and helps them carry out the community daily management task. Here are some of their responsibilities.

They hold board meetings 

The home-owner association management companies schedule board meetings and document everything discussed in the meeting. They also draft the meeting agenda and give it to all the board members. They also help to follow up all the decisions made it in meeting and inspect new developments.

Management of community workers

Homeowner association management companies are responsible for managing everyone working for the community. They help the homeowner association to secure contracts for community maintenance and upgrade.

They represent the community and supervise the work done by the contractors. These include security services, playing ground, pool maintenance, and many more.

Collection of dues

Thy are responsible for collecting corporation dues from the residents on behalf of the homeowner association. The homeowner association management company then pays the money directly into the homeowner association account.

Handles all administrative duties

The homeowner association management companies provide solutions to the homeowner’s problems. They guide the homeowner association in making the right decisions and preparing the annual budget.

They carry out all the homeowner’s association rules and regulations and give those reports on the progress of the community every month.

Reduce risk 

Home-owner Association Management Companies are experts and have a better knowledge of how the industry works. They help to reduce the risk taken by homeowner association and make sure they are on the right path.

Business advice 

They offer business advice to the homeowners association and make sure the business they venture into will benefit the entire community. Because of the vast experience, some homeowner associations often put it upon themselves to ask business-related advice from the Management Company. This helps them make the right business move and prevent fund loss.

Community survey 

Management Company ensures the community is clean and it looks good. They survey the whole community from time to time and pay attention to everything in the community.

They also make sure all the residents are doing well and following the rules and regulations given by the homeowner association. They bring every complaint and safety issue to the homeowner association’s attention and talk about how to solve it.

Benefits of living in a Homeowner Association Community 

Access to different amenities

Do you love playing table tennis or swimming? Living in a Home-owner Association Community gives you access to different amenities. These amenities are not often found in places with no association.

They provide amenities such as restaurants, playgrounds, parks, and many more.

The association maintains the amenities through the monthly dues paid by the resident of the community.

Provide maintenance 

The amenities in a homeowner association are kept clean and maintained by the association. You don’t have to worry about anything because they fix every problem in the community.

They also provide repairmen for you whenever anything goes wrong in your home. Therefore, you are always at peace and you are confident that they will do a good job.

When you are not living in a non-homeowner association community, you are responsible for maintaining all your amenities. You will also look for repairmen whenever something goes wrong in your home.

Increases property value 

Many people prefer living in a home-owner association community because it increases the value of the property. The association has strict rules which include home appearance and others. This helps in improving home values.

You are also protected from purchasing a bad house and safe from any negative influence from the neighborhood.

Properties in a homeowner association community are often sold at a higher price when compared to those that are in a non-homeowner association community.

Improve resident engagement 

Homeowner associations work with homeowner association management companies to organize events for the community resident. These include picnics, welcome parties for new residents, play day for children, end of the year celebration, and many more.

These events help residents get to know each other and become friends. It also helps in creating bold between the residents and this does not happen in the non-homeowners association community.

They also take care of everything during the event and the resident spends time enjoying your neighbor’s company. This encourages peace, care, and love in the community.

Disadvantages of Home-owner Association

Expensive dues

The dues paid by people living in homeowners associations are quite expensive. Although the dues are used to maintain the community, however, not everyone can afford it.

Strict rules 

The community often has strict rules and regulations that the resident should follow. These include loud music, altering the home exterior, staying late in the pool, throwing large parties and many more depending on your community.

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