
Everyday Secrets for a Beautiful Skin


Every girl wishes nothing more than getting compliments on her skin and make sure that everyone desires to know her skin care routine. This is however not possible if your skin doesn’t look your best self. We all know the struggle of fighting for a gorgeous skin and not yearning to buy hundreds of dollars’ worth skin care products that promise to be one thing but act other.

It is certainly one of the items on every girl’s wish list to get smooth, radiant skin, and you do anything to take care of it too, from drinking plenty of water to using the right skincare products and what not. Dirt, noise and bad diet, however, somehow come in the way and ruin everything. Then how do you make your grey, dead skin beautiful and radiant? If only you had a beauty handbook for flawless skin that had all the age-old beauty secrets! How awesome that would be, right?

Drink Lots of Fluid

While water has been the top most contestant to give you a beautiful and fresh skin there are other fluids that might do the work too. When it comes to the skin, green tea has many benefits. It is also a tried and tested way to get glowing skin, in addition to getting rid of ageing signs, acne and other skin problems. It has emerged as your skin’s latest hero ingredient and is the secret to many celebrities’ radiant skin. Green tea, abundant in antioxidants and polyphenols, detoxifies the skin by the elimination of skin impurities, bacteria and oil, leaving it safe and radiant.

Take Short Showers

Your shower time will really help to achieve healthy, radiant skin, a glowing skin secret sometimes missed by most of us! It’s definitely soothing to be in the shower for too long, and too hot, and it’s a wonderful idea to unwind after a tiring day, but it doesn’t do your skin any good. The natural protective oils from the skin are washed off by long and steamy baths, leaving it dry and dull. Keep your shower time to a maximum of 10 minutes and instead of hot, take colder or lukewarm water.

Invest Wisely

No matter how much we don’t believe in skincare products from the market but the truth is at one point or another our skin needs them. You just need to be careful what to buy and how to buy. Our advice here is to rather than opting for extensive list of ingredients and choosing from the vast number of chemicals you should select an organic product. Sure they are a bit expensive but with the ordinary promo code you can shop from one of the finest organic product’s collection.

A Good sleep

Just because you’re not getting enough sleep, you might try all the beauty tricks known to mankind and still end up with the same dull, lifeless skin. On your skin, a tired mind and body emerges and makes it look rough and dull. Whereas, you wake up new and glowing when you are well rested, as your skin restores and heals as you sleep. While you get your beauty sleep, the increased blood flow and development of collagen all takes place.

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Alexa Jhon is a B2B Digital Marketing veteran, with close to 10 years client experience in web marketing project management and corporate training.