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Moving out from one rental to another is one of the difficult tasks in Australia. It is challenging, concerning, stressful, and sometimes frustrating too. A lot of tasks will be there to perform starting from packing the household belongings to shifting to Bond Cleaning Australia. An end of lease cleaning is one of the important things to do before your lease ends.

Your property manager or landlord wants to have the property back in the same condition it was before you started living. Be careful to read the rental agreement, read it in detail. It will help you to understand the cleaning instructions and expectations as well as in getting your full bond amount back.

There is no doubt that having a professional bond cleaning in Australia is one of the reliable solutions for all your cleaning concerns. After all, they are professional, well-trained, and experienced in doing cleaning jobs for both residential and commercial properties.

However, in any case, you are looking to clean your property on your own and hoping to impress your property manager in order to get the full bond amount back without any deductions, then here we have compiled some of the important tips and tricks shared by professional service providers of bond cleaning in Australia.

Professional Advice- Bond Cleaning Australia Tips

Collect All The Necessary Cleaning Tools & Products

It is one of the foremost steps you have to do when preparing for an end of lease cleaning on your own. Make sure to collect all the necessary tools such as heavy-duty vacuum cleaner, an upholstery shampoo, spray bottles, cloths, rags, duster, broom, wiper, etc. Avoid using chemical-based cleaning products to remove stains, grease, and mildew, use green cleaning products instead.

DIY TIP- To remove the tough stains, greases, and mildews; you can use white vinegar, baking soda, magic eraser, alcohol, lemon juice, and many other mild detergents.

Start Cleaning Your Bedrooms And Living Rooms

Your bedrooms and living rooms require time and the right cleaning methods to clean. So, it is advisable to start the cleaning process with the “top-to-down” approach. Find the following cleaning guide to make sure that you will provide thorough cleaning to your living rooms and bedrooms.

Kitchen Cleaning Like A Professional Bond Cleaning In Australia

Kitchen cleaning is one of the crucial cleanings of an end of lease cleaning. Because, it is the place that accumulates dirt, grease, and grime quickly. Collect all the necessary kitchen cleaning tools and products including non-scratch scourers, vinegar, baking soda, etc. The following cleaning guide is used by professional cleaners to perform bond cleaning in Australia.

TIP- Hiring professional service of bond cleaning in Australia doesn’t mandate to have the entire end of lease cleaning, customizations can be done in the cleaning service. For instance, you can hire professionals to clean the oven & BBQ and perform the rest of the cleaning by yourself.

Bathroom Cleaning

The last but one of the essential parts of a bond cleaning in Australia. The same cleaning approach “top to bottom” will be followed to perform bathroom cleaning. There are some areas where you are required to pay extra attention while cleaning up.

Inspect And Clean The Important Areas

According to your property size and condition, you might be left with some more important areas which are required to be cleaned thoroughly at the time of an end of tenancy cleaning. For instance,

To Wrap Up

Definitely, you can perform bond cleaning on your own. However, the chances of getting your bond amount back will be less. Thus, hiring professional service of bond cleaning in Australia is worthier to have a bond back guarantee.

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