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Difference between Tablet and iPad?

Tablet vs Ipad

Tablets, iPad, smartphones, etc. have become an important part of everyone’s life. If we see the Indian Internet users, it has changed drastically in the last 4-5 years once JIO has captured the market. In 2015-16 only 17.0% of the population which was 302 million were using the internet in India. In 2020 you can say this has increased up to 700 million almost. So we all must be aware of these gadgets to use them in a much better and useful way. So here we will be covering the difference between a tablet and an iPad?

Tablet – A tablet is just like a computer or laptop which uses a touchscreen as the primary input device and it’s easily portable. Most of the time you will get a tablet slightly smaller and with lesser weight as compared to a traditional laptop. 

They are usually larger than mobile but smaller than the laptop in screen size. The size mostly varies from 7 inches to 10 inches. Most of the tablets battery power is also larger than compared to mobile. They are mainly developer of media consumption, online learning etc which require large battery support.

Best Business Tablet of 2021

iPad – Ipad is again like a tablet, but developed by Apple. As smartphones from Apple, we call it an iPhone. This runs on the iOS operating system and obviously, the size is smaller than a laptop. Mostly comes with a stylus attached. The latest Ipad in the market is iPad Air from eighth-generation.


Is an iPad a Tablet? Many times users get confused about this and often ask this question. So here in this post, Difference between Tablet and iPad we will provide you with details about both. This will surely help you to find a better product for you. 

The iPad has increased the popularity of tablets and now we can see there are so many Android tablets coming to market as a replacement for iPad. Also, you will see there are so many differences between these two starting from the operating system. iPad runs on the iOS operating system while Android tablets run on Google’s Android.

No, iPad and Tablet are Not the Same. Check the difference below.

iPad V/S Tablet

In an Android tablet, you will have different specifications for each tablet. So we can’t compare them as there will be some change with each product. So we will be seeing the basic things which are common to both.

  1. Basic – Tablet is just a name for a variety of devices. In Android tablets, you can have a lot of options with different brands. While the iPad is a tablet from Apple.
  2. Flash – It is a software used to show online videos and other things which you can get on Android tablets only. On iPad, you can’t have this feature nor can you install it later.
  3. Operating System – Android tablet mostly uses Google Android as its Operating System. On the iPad, you will be getting an iOS Operating System.
  4. Multitasking – On iPad, you will not be able to multitask which means you can only use a single app at a time. But on an Android tablet, you can go for multitasking using many apps at a time running in the background.
  5. Number of Apps – Here iPad has a lot of apps available to use. There is a long list of app lists available on the iPad. In Android tablets, you will not be having so many options as Android is young so the number of apps is low.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Let’s see some strengths and weaknesses of these two gadgets. It will help you to be sure about which one to buy.



Android Tablets



Android Tablets



Hope you understood the difference between tablet and iPad. If you have any queries regarding this you can comment and ask it. we have also done some deep research on the tablet and listed some best tablets for you to buy in the Indian market. Most of the tablet listed will be in the range of 10k to 20k, which is mostly bought by beginners mainly for their online learning, binge-watching or remote work like content writing or data entry kind and other different work. 

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