A dental teeth number chart can be one of the most helpful tools in diagnosing dental problems, especially when you’re trying to figure out where the problem is or what type of issue you’re facing. Understanding how to read this chart and using it correctly will help you and your dentist quickly identify potential issues with your teeth and gums.
By knowing where the trouble spots are and having an idea about possible causes, you can work with your dentist to develop effective treatment plans in order to ensure healthy, happy teeth that last throughout your life.
Do You Have Wisdom Teeth?
The wisdom teeth are actually a part of your last set of molars, which appear at around 17-25 years old. Wisdom teeth don’t all appear at once, however; typically, they begin emerging when you’re in your early 20s and will emerge periodically over a period of several years. If you have space available in your mouth for these new teeth to grow, wisdom teeth will usually erupt fully by age 30. However, in some cases – if not enough room is available – wisdom teeth may remain trapped beneath the gums or partially erupted into your mouth without proper dental care.
This can cause swelling, gum disease and infection that can sometimes take years to heal without prompt treatment. For example, wisdom teeth can become impacted (or stuck) under other existing teeth or even against bone in your jaw. In many cases, wisdom teeth need to be removed because they can’t be properly cleaned and cared for with regular brushing and flossing. Even so, there are options available to help you maintain healthy oral hygiene while keeping wisdom teeth intact if possible. For example, it might be possible to reroute saliva flow through an opening in your bite using a small plastic device called an oral dam—this allows food particles to bypass areas where wisdom teeth are present so that plaque doesn’t build up on them as easily.
What Are Your First Molars?
Your first molars, also known as your wisdom teeth, are located in your upper jaw, on either side of your second molars. They’re much larger than your other teeth, have oval-shaped ridges (called cusps) that interlock with one another when they’re fully grown in and they have no roots. But how do you know if you need to schedule a dental checkup? And what can you expect when you go? Here’s what you should know about wisdom teeth swelling timeline.
Use an extra pillow to prop up your head while sleeping: You’ll be more comfortable, less likely to drool all over yourself and less likely to wake up with a stiff neck or sore throat. In addition, resting your head at an angle will help ensure that saliva doesn’t pool under your tongue during sleep — which is bad news for both oral health and morning breath. Be sure not to rest your head directly on any pillows; instead place them beneath it for support. To avoid irritating any existing tooth sensitivity issues, opt for down or synthetic pillows rather than those made from feathers or cotton.
What Are The Cuspids (Canines)?
The canine teeth number chart, also known as cuspids, are located beside your two central incisors. Cuspids can sometimes appear pointed but for most people they aren’t as sharp or prominent as a vampire might have them in his or her mouth. Also known as eye teeth (because of their location) canine teeth are referred to by number – 1 through 4. #1 is located on top closest to the nose; #2 is next in line below it; #3 is located furthest back; and finally, #4 is located directly beside #3. If you have more than four cuspids, then you may be missing other teeth such as bicuspids.
If you notice that one or more of your cuspid teeth are swollen, then it could be because one of these factors applies to you The tooth has an impacted wisdom tooth attached to it. Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always show up in x-rays, so if your dentist suspects that there’s an impacted wisdom tooth attached to one of your cuspids he or she will likely order an MRI to confirm his/her suspicions.
teeth number chart typically erupt between ages 17 and 25, which means if you’re younger than 17 years old or older than 25 years old and notice swelling around one of your cuspids, then chances are good that there’s an impacted wisdom tooth present. If so, then surgery will be required to remove it before it starts causing problems with nearby teeth (such as cysts). The bone around a particular tooth has been weakened due to trauma such as an accident.
What Are The Premolars?
Before we get started on why you might need to remove your wisdom teeth, it’s important that you understand what they are. Wisdom teeth (also called third molars) are generally considered to be located in the back of your mouth, although that isn’t always exactly true. The American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons has a great chart that can help explain things a little more clearly.
The premolars in your mouth are located between your incisors and molars; directly behind where your wisdom teeth will eventually form—usually around ages 17 or 18. But, just because teeth number chart are often referred to as third molars doesn’t mean there aren’t four total sets of them in your mouth. In fact, there are actually five different sets of teeth that can develop from birth until age 25. Most people don’t have all five sets of teeth but those who do have an extra set may find their wisdom teeth begin to emerge when they’re about 12 years old.
If you’re not sure if you have wisdom teeth yet, don’t worry! You’ll likely notice them emerging sometime during high school or college. Keep reading for more information about wisdom teeth swelling timeline. For example, wisdom teeth tend to erupt at different times in different people. In general, though, most wisdom teeth erupt at age 17-25 (most commonly 19-21). Your doctor should examine your wisdom teeth periodically throughout childhood and adolescence so that he/she can monitor whether or not any problems occur. For example, early eruption of wisdom teeth is fairly common among younger children and babies whose jaws haven’t fully developed yet.
What Are Second Molars (Bicuspids)?
Second molars are also known as bicuspids. They develop after first molars, which start developing at about age 6 or 7. There are four second molars in all; one in each quadrant of your mouth on both sides of your jaw, just behind your first (or primary) molars. We’ll look at what a second molar looks like more closely in a moment. But it’s important to mention here that unlike our primary teeth. Our second molars don’t fall out by themselves. They have to be removed by a dentist once they’re fully developed around age 17 or 18. This is because second molars are usually impacted when they develop. Meaning their roots grow into other structures inside your mouth.
This can cause problems with tooth decay and gum disease if left untreated. Because of these issues, most dentists recommend removing them before their roots become too firmly embedded in surrounding bone. As you can see from the image above, there’s no real standard for numbering wisdom teeth—in fact. Some people only have two wisdom teeth while others may have three or even four!
That said, wisdom teeth generally come in at least two different locations: between your third molars (the eye teeth). And between your first premolars (the front biting teeth). The former is most common while a combination of both is less common but still possible.