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Children’s Room Decor Mistakes to Avoid


When it comes to decorating the rooms of the children, people tend to get enthusiastic. Social media sites act as a resource and guide for parents, which could be unpractical though there are websites like homeguidelines.com and ohanahomeimprovement.com that will give you some practical home insights and ideas. So let’s go back to our real topic! Check out these eight children’s room decor mistakes you should avoid.

Over Decorating

Parents are always excited when it comes to decorating the best room for their child. And this sometimes leads parents to over-decorate a room. This might make the space feel tight or small. Putting large furniture in a nursery or a child’s room lessens space in the room, reducing the child’s ability to move around.

Large furniture may look attractive at first sight, but it is always a terrible choice for a child’s room. The children do not stay the same age and grow up, which changes some of their interests and has an effect on the décors. As a result, starting with tiny furniture rather than big.

Considering a Convertible Crib to Be The Best Option

For many parents, a convertible crib is the first and best thing they can get their hands on. The reason for this is that it can be used as a crib at first, then converted into a small toddler bed, leading parents to believe they can save money. However, you should keep in mind that this option is usually more expensive and occupies more space. You’ll also have to buy a new bed for the kids because they grow so fast.

Instead of a crib, you could use a regular bed with removable rails. A floor-height bed will also give your children more freedom as they get older and begin to move around on their own. They will fall if they are not secured properly.

Choosing the Color Scheme

room decor mistakes

Each colors has it’s own logical reasons. While using fewer colors or shades might make a room appear boring, using too many colors or a variety of hues can make the space appear disconnected. Maintaining a balance between color and blank spaces is the best way to choose a color scheme. This allows for a more coherent look in the children’s room. If you are really confuse about it, you can always call for a professional interior designer.

Themed Installations and Design

It’s possible that a themed design or installation will be change quickly. This is because a child’s preference may change as he or she grows older. When the youngster grows up, the pricey themed decorations may not be his or her first choice. Rather than choosing something that only toddlers will enjoy, parents can choose from themed décor or characters that will interest to both toddlers and older children.

Not Making Safety a Priority

Consider even the tiniest details when designing a child’s room to ensure its safety. Do not underestimate the potential dangers of children misusing things, which can lead to serious injury or even death in some cases.

As an example, loose cords and curtains can be dangerous if your children tangle in them. To prevent children from getting hurt or trapped, window and door locks should be childproof.

Having a Single Source of Light

When it comes to decorating a child’s room, lighting is also essential. Just like in the living room, lights can be implemented into the decor. Keep in mind that a dim night light or any other small lamp that can serves the same purpose will be needed in many instances like if your children are afraid of the dark. As well, they’ll need good lighting for their play or study.

The Choice of Rug

Designing your space means incorporating everything in the right space, which improves the room’s design. Choosing a large rug or one that is too tiny for the room have a bad effect to the looks of a room. A perfect rug for a room has covered the most of the flooring, tucked beneath furniture, and enhances the style of the children’s room.

Investing in Light-Colored Fabrics in the Room

The fabrics that are used in the room have a huge impact on the room’s décor. Choosing fabric for a nursery or a child’s room can be challenging. Light-colored fabrics in the room, as well as the parents’ investment in them, cause them to become dirty. When dealing with children, there is always the chance of staining or foiling light-colored clothes, and the same can be said when caring for them. As a result, when it comes to decorating a child’s room, light fabrics should be avoided.

Unbalanced Furniture of the Room

The furniture placement and other décor placements help to create a sense of balance in the design aesthetic of the space. To achieve visual balance, the materials in the room should be arranged in a way that they connected to one another, rather than cramming them all into one spot. The size, design, and texture of the room’s features and furniture maintains the room’s balance and visual image.

Keeping Things Out of Their Reach

It is essential that a child’s room be designed to be comfortable, not just for you, but especially for them, in order for them to love it. The child must be able to freely move around the room. According to the Montessori philosophy, which promotes children’s creativity and independence, it’s best if their toys and books are always within their reach, that is, near to floor level until they’re about 6 years old.

Not Leaving Room for Children’s Creativity and Personal Taste

As parents, we are always delighted to decorate and furnish our children’s rooms, but we must remember that this is their place and their space alone. As a result, their wants and preferences should take priority over ours.

Adding some interesting stuff, such as a teepee or hanging stars, or having a blackboard for children to develop their imagination and creativity, can easily give space for play and enchantment, ensuring that they feel at comfortable in their room. After all, they’ll be spending a lot of time there, so it should be a space where kids can let their imaginations run wild.

Underusing the Change Table

One of the most important furniture in a baby’s room is a changing table. A designer changing mat and storage boxes that match the table’s color scheme are the only additions to the room’s décor. Alternatively, parents can decorate the spaces above with murals or a shelf.

Not Heeding Attention to Storage

The space and storage are important when it comes to creating a child’s room. Toddlers and children need plenty of stuff to grow up with. While being successful in providing stuff for your children, you should also provide a proper space and storage for it.

Designing a room for a toddler or youngster can be difficult, but the results may not be what you expect. The tips above will give parents some ideas on how to avoid making these mistakes. The design of a child’s room should allow physical and psychological development for your child. The surrounding colors, as well as the features, provide movement and visual aid for the youngster as he or she grows.

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