
Children’s coloring pages Print and paint!


Prepare your paintings, whether they are wax, colored pencils, tempera, watercolors … whatever you prefer! Because Mundo Primaria offers you coloring pages, ready to print and paint. We have all the themes and children’s characters. Find the ones you like the most, download them, print them, and paint!

The Primary World coloring pages are classified by categories.


Download free coloring pages at Disegni da colorare e stampare

You may also like our children’s stories  to read at any time. They are revised and adapted, so you can use them with children of all ages. As a complete exercise, imagine reading a fantasy story and then coloring dragons and unicorns… Sounds good huh!

Wait no more, search among all games to color and download them to print. You can download as many as you want! Then, get all your colored paints ready, roll up your feet (don’t get stained) and get to work! With the easy drawings to color in Primary World, creativity and fun are guaranteed.

It is an activity that no person involved in the education and development of a child should treat as unimportant. Not only does it serve to improve creativity or spatial intelligence, it is also a way of, for example, teaching multiplication tables or the differences between herbivorous and carnivorous animals, it all depends on the imagination that we throw at the time of designing a full fun exercise of crayons and markers.

And this is because coloring is an activity that despite being very important for people of all ages, it is even more so for young children. Giving color, with different materials (wooden pencils, markers, watercolors, digital painting), to drawings to paint is an activity that allows children to:

Improve your motor skills

Motor skills (gross and fine) is one of the most important skills a child develops in early childhood. The fact of coloring can help you a lot in this process. All the actions, movements, and above all, the “pincer” movement that is required to be able to color, are essential both for the muscles of the hand and wrist to develop and strengthen, and for skills that can be built. lead to the ability to write. Even gross motor skills benefit from the activity, strengthening skills acquired by the child since he learned to walk on all fours and to take small things with his fingers. The skills that are acquired with the games to paint in short are not wasted.

By coloring different children’s drawings for coloring and printing , either by clearly following their outline or by adding additional lines and curves, it allows a child to manifest their creativity and in fact, it is an activity that inspires children a lot to think. new ideas autonomously.

Color recognition

One of the first things that children seek to teach is to discern, recognize and identify colors. In this task, the fact of printing different images to paint can be a very interesting way to reinforce ideas that are rather abstract. It is not the same to say to a child “apples are red” than to take the red marker and color the picture of an apple. Coloring makes learning more meaningful.

Prepare the ground for better calligraphy

Despite living in a digital world, it is very important as a psychomotor skill to have clean and legible writing.

Many parents and teachers find it difficult to get school-age children to improve their ability to write cleanly and fully legibly.

A better strategy to prepare for learning the skill of writing is undoubtedly to color different lines .

The ability to follow an outline and try to color only within it is an excellent preparatory exercise for writing, as well as being playful and fun for children.

School preparation

A fun activity like coloring is a great way to prepare young children for the kinds of activities and concentration that being in a classroom requires. And it is that the education of children relies a lot on written work, photocopies, notebooks, exams, so that working on sheets of paper to color children’s drawings is a way that children, while having fun, have fun. Get used to this type of structure.

You can also make use of other resources such as our short children’s riddles or stop by the special free educational resources that you will find on our portal.

Improve hand-eye coordination

Another important psychomotor skill that young children must develop is coordination.

The latter, in addition to the ability to focus on one thing, are skills that are in full development in a young child.

The figures to color with different shapes are a way in which, while having fun, the child improves those skills.

The mere fact of taking pencils or crayons with the fingers properly, choosing the colors, selecting a color and a figure to fill it with color, allows a child to strengthen both concentration and coordination, especially between what see and what their hands do. Coloring and painting will allow the child to have more control over his body and its actions, which in the future will translate into a greater ability to perform tasks that require dexterity and patience. You will be able to appreciate that there is a selection of beautiful drawings to color in, since at first glance the appearance of the drawing is what motivates the child, although sometimes the most skillful also look for the most difficult ones.+

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There are many ways a young child can deal with frustration and anger. Your ability to realize that you are nervous or upset and respond to these emotions is in full swing.

They can be an excellent therapy for a young child that will allow him to reduce his levels of stress and nervousness.

In fact, this technique is so effective that it is also used in adults.


All children are different.

So by giving the same picture to color the children

each one of them will do it in a different way.

Both in the choice of colors.

as in the technique used (some will do it with more force, others with softness).

and in the same way of doing it, they will all do it differently.

For children who are more visual and for whom color and shapes will be very important to acquire different learnings throughout their lives, coloring becomes one of the most interesting and representative ways to express their creativity and individuality.

As we can see, coloring pictures can represent a great tool to help develop motor and psychomotor skills in young children,

.however it is important to remember that there are no developmental guidelines that work for all children.

There will be children who follow the contours precisely when coloring, but instead there will be others who improvise more.

There are children who select different colors and others who when they begin to do this activity frequently, always choose the same color. It is important to respect the way in which each child expresses his creativity when coloring pictures of your own choice and with your preferences for shapes, shapes and colors.

This will allow you to solidify and build your self-esteem.

also being more proactive when making decisions and reinforcing the knowledge acquired while having fun.

Drawings to paint according to children’s level

While they are having fun with colors, they are fostering their creativity and imagination. But that’s not all! Painting games help children improve their coordination and concentration. They also support the development of motor skills, organization and coordination.

Easy coloring pages

We have all kinds of themes in this compilation that in Primary World we have carefully prepared for you: From the fastest vehicles, the most amazing animals or the characters from stories that we all like. There is a whole world to discover and it is available for free and online.

Drawings somewhat more difficult to paint

Coloring opens a huge range of creative possibilities.

Also, it is important to note that painting helps children relax and be calm.

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