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Causes, Symptoms & Treatments for underarm sweating!

under arm sweating treatment

Sweating helps a person adapt to high ambient temperatures, and also serves as a regulator of psycho-emotional stress. The sweat increases in hot conditions, during stress, and after eating. This is quite normal and you do not need to fight it.

But, if a person suffers from increased sweating constantly without any apparent reason, this is a pathological condition. It is usually called hyperhidrosis. This disease doesn’t only bring physical discomfort, but also leads to problems at work and in personal life.

If you suspect you have hyperhidrosis, the excessive underarm sweating treatment must be prescribed by a dermatologist or neurologist. Increased sweating is often a symptom of another medical condition. Therefore, it’s imperative to undergo an examination and find out the cause of the violation of sweating.

In this guide, we’ll discuss in detail the causes, symptoms & treatments for underarm sweating. So, let’s dig deeper into the details: 

Table of Content

What are The Causes of Excessive Sweating?

What are The Causes of Excessive Sweating?

Persistent disruption of the functioning of the sweat glands can be the result of several external influences and internal disturbances. The diagnosis of primary hyperhidrosis is made only after excluding all possible causes of the development of sweating. In the genesis of the disease, the most important are:

Symptoms of Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a normal physiological process that a person needs to ensure thermoregulation. But when should we talk about the disease? The following symptoms indicate violations of this process:

In addition, the behaviour and character of a person change. Stress leads to the aggravation of the disease. There are also headaches, attacks of lack of air, hypertension, etc.

Underarm Sweating Treatments

Cosmetology Procedures

Injectables and hardware treatments can be used to combat excessive sweating. The advantage of the techniques used in cosmetology is their versatility. In one procedure, several aesthetic problems can be eliminated at once. More often than others, the following are used in the fight against sweating:

Before choosing the best treatment option, a dermatologist will definitely conduct a number of diagnostic tests. To exclude diseases of internal organs, a person will be prescribed:


To cope with increased sweating, it is recommended to follow these rules:

Be sure to visit your doctor annually for a preventive examination or if you have a chronic illness. Increased sweating problem may indicate various problems. However, delaying the underarm sweat treatment of which can lead to serious consequences. Only a professional dermatologist will advise you best. So, call an expert when you got serious health issue related underarm sweating and other skin diseases. Stay healthy and fit!! 

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