
Car Rental System Management And Requirements

car rental

The Haririi company wants to find a solution to reduce its operating costs. The car rental system being developed is a system to handle the business needs of renting out vehicles to customers, maintaining records and data on vehicle fleet, operating the customer portal website, and reporting the state of the system to the company. The system does not fulfill any other needs of the business.

System Scope

  • The functional scope of the system is represented in four different aspects of the system: Customer Service Module (CS), Web Portal Module (WP), Fleet Management Module (FM), and Reports and Analytics Module (RA).
  • Scope of the Fleet Management module is keeping track of the rental vehicle fleet. This module’s purpose will be to contain the data on the vehicle fleet and information about the specific vehicles. The Fleet Management module will not handle the renting of the vehicles.
  •  The scope of the Customer Web Portal is to rent vehicles to customers online in the absence of an employee.
  • The module will interface with the fleet management module but will not perform any of that module’s duties. The same goes for the Customer Service module.
  • The scope of the Customer Service Module is to provide a clear and easy-to-use layout for employees and customers to follow along with as they work out a rental. As mentioned above the module will interface with the fleet management module but will not perform any of that module’s duties.
  • The scope of the Reports and Analytics Module is to provide a predetermined spot that will contain all of the reports made from employees on car rentals. It will help the store managers and corporate office when they need to file reports and check on rentals.

 System Context

The system has been designed with four modules in mind. These modules are the customer service module, the web portal module, the fleet management module, and the reports and analytics module. These four modules will make up the structure of the system. The customer service module will be the part of the system that is supposed to provide the employee with everything they need to perform their duties.

Web Portal

The web portal module will be the part of the system that handles the website where the customers will be able to go through an automated process to rent cars. The fleet management module will do as its name suggests and manage the rental fleet.

The reports and analytics module will be part of the system. These will be used to generate reports from the remaining three modules for the purpose of organizing the data on the status of the company. The system will be able to interact with outside systems to process the payment on behalf of the company.

System Functions

The system will be able to rent out vehicles. The system will be able to accept payments. This system will also generate reports for the employees while tracking the rental fleets.

User Characteristics

The users will be customers which can include traveling business people, out-of-town visitors, and local residents in need of a car. Other users of the system will be the employees both at the store level and a headquarters. The employees will all be using windows desktops to conduct their business on the system because the system will need to accommodate the variety of devices that the customers will have. Because customers will have mobile devices running several different operating software including Android, iOS, and blackberry. The full website also must accommodate these different operating systems.


The Auto Rental System (Haririi System) is able to handle car reservations, customer billing, and
car auctions. When a customer reserves a car, he/she can use an online reservation to make a
general reservation. The system must be able to look for the matched available car in Car Data
Base and form a new reservation in Reservation Data Base.

If the customer makes a reservation in person, the assistant of the rental company is able to access the customer database, car database, and reservation database internally and make a reservation for the customer.


After each reservation is made, the corresponding car will be shown as unavailable in-car database.
When the customer picks up the car, the assistant can access the customer’s reservation record with the reservation number customer provided. Then the customer and the assistant are able to complete the rental lease using the system.

After the completion of the rental lease, the new lease will be recorded in the customer database. (Each lease is directly related to the customer’s billing information.) Then the system will print out a car rental card (internally used in the company).
The customer obtains the key to the car from the technician of the rental company with the car rental card. After the customer checks the status of the car and accepts the car, the Technician is able to use the Haririi system to update the car database that the corresponding car is “in-rental” status.

Generate reports

Then the corresponding rental lease status is updated as “1/3 completion”.
The technician will check the status of the car after the customer returns the car. A damage
report and a miles report will be made with the AR system.

The damage report will be directly related to the car database and the customer’s billing information. And the miles report will update the car database. If the car has accumulated over 20,000 miles, it will be listed to the “Car Auction List” and deleted in the “available car list”. And the corresponding rental lease status is updated as
“2/3 completion”.

Haririi system is able to print out a bill. If the customer pays the bill, the transaction will be
completed immediately. After the customer pays the bill, the “rental lease status” is updated as
“Full completion”. If the customer’s corporation pays the bill for the customer, the system will
send the bill to the corporation where the customer works for. The “rental lease status” will not be
“Full completion” until the rental company receives the payments.


• Customer database consists of all the information about a customer with Name, Age, Driver
License Number, Corporation, Log-in ID, Log-in Pass Word, billing information.• Car database consists of all general information of the available cars and car auctions, such as
brand, passenger capacity, miles, available date, etc.
• Reservation database contains all the reservations the auto rental company has. The
information includes date made reservation, date to pick up the car, customer’s name, reservation
• Lease database contains all the leases the auto rental company has. The information
includes date, customer, rental plan, accident insurance option, Loss Damage Waiver option,
Gas Charges option, and completion status.

This car rental system is used by Haririi  rent a car in Lahore. The Haririi system should be capable of running, at minimum, 1000 processes per minute (PPM). The Headquarter (HQ) system should be able to process and allocate information to the designated terminal within a 10-second refresh rate.

The car rental system response time should be no longer than 1.0 seconds in order to keep up with the actions given by the User. As the company begins to acquire more customers and becomes more popular, the system must be able to scale in speed, size, and versatility, in order to accommodate the rising needs/, wants of the customer basis.

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