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Businesses You Can Start With $10 Right Now

The first step to starting a new business is figuring out how much money you need to get started. If you’re just looking for a side hustle, $10 is enough to get started with some great ideas!

The following are some of the best businesses you can start with $10.

Ebook writer

If you’re looking to start a business, ebook writing could be a great choice. Ebooks are easy to create and can be sold on Amazon and other online retailers. They also offer opportunities for people who have a background in writing or journalism, but aren’t sure how they’d like their own businesses to develop.

Ebook writers do not require any fancy equipment or software; they just need their laptop or computer with internet access and some time! There are many topics that can be covered in an ebook: fitness advice, cooking recipes, self-help guides—the list goes on! The best thing about ebooks is that they let anyone start their own business without having any investment capital or technical skills besides basic ones like using Google Docs (which most people already know how to use).

The potential earnings of an ebook writer depend on what type of content people want access too–if someone buys one guide book per month at $15 each then it would take him/her ten years worth of work just paying off those initial purchases before he/she could become profitable from selling them anymore!

If you’re a student asking what business can I start with little capital, you should give e-book publishing a try.

Website designer

A website is a must-have for any business, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, you can start your own website for as little as $10!

The best part? You don’t need any programming skills or coding knowledge. All you need is an idea and some time on the computer (or tablet).

How much does it cost?

A basic WordPress theme will run around $50-$100 depending on the design and features included in your site (like customizations), while hosting services like Bluehost cost around $10/month per year ($200+).

Stock photographer

You can start a stock photography business by selling your photos online.

Personal chef

If you have a passion for cooking and want to make money doing what you love, becoming a personal chef may be the right choice for you.

Here are some tips on how to find clients and get paid as a personal chef:


A ghostwriter is a writer who can write your copy for you, but they don’t have to be good at it. The reason why businesses hire ghostwriters is because they don’t have time to do it themselves, or they don’t want their name associated with the content (for privacy reasons).

Ghostwriters’ main goal is to provide quality content that will help sell products or services. Here are some examples of what a ghostwriter might do:

Magazine sales rep

The magazine sales rep is a great way to make extra money. You can work from home, or you can set up an office in your home and sell magazines at local events.

This small business idea was gotten from a friend at Networkwayout

To find magazines to sell:

Once all this has been figured out about where/how much money should be made per week/month etc., then it’s time for step two: finding customers!

Voice-over artist

If you have a good voice and can read fluently, one of the best businesses you can start with $10 right now is becoming a voice over artist.

You don’t need to be a professional voice actor (or even an aspiring one) to start your own business. There are tons of opportunities to get involved in the world of recording and editing audio files, whether you want to do it on the side or full-time.

Voice-over artists are hired by companies like Comcast and Honda when they need someone who can read copy over television commercials or radio spots, as well as narrate videos for social media platforms like YouTube. They also record dialogue for video games and movies—and if you’re good enough at it, this could be your opportunity!

It takes patience, skill and talent to become a successful voice-over artist—but if you put in the work now and build up some experience under your belt before getting into this industry full time then it will pay off later on down the road when those opportunities come up again (and they will!).

Babysitter or nanny

You need to be trustworthy and reliable. You should be able to work as a team. Your job will involve dealing with emergencies, so it’s important that you stay calm in the face of any crisis that arises, no matter how overwhelming or stressful it is.

You should also have a good sense of humor—it’s not easy being around babies all day! However, if this sounds like something that interests you then we recommend starting out by babysitting for friends or family members who need extra help caring for their kids (or even just one).

Self-published author

Self-publishing is one of the easiest businesses you can start with $10 right now. You can self-publish ebooks and sell them on Amazon.

Also you can sell your books at local fairs and events, or on your own website.

You can even sell them in local bookstores!

There are many ways to start a business with very little money

There are many ways to start a business with very little money. You can do it online or offline, and the most important thing is to start. Once you’ve started, there’s no limit on how much money you can make (unless your goal is to make millions).

You can start with $10, but it doesn’t hurt to have more than that available if needed!


In summary, there are many ways to start a business with very little money. If you’re looking for some profitable businesses you can start with $10, I  have provided you with ten ideas so that you can find out what occupations interest you most and explore how much money is needed for these industries. If one of the ones listed above interests you, then go ahead and try it out! There are lots of opportunities in each category.

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