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Automatic Water Pump Controller

automatic water pump controller
Purbaha Automatic Aater Aump Controller

The Automated Water Pump Controller (PURBAHA CONTROLLER) offers a solution to the problem. Three water level sensors monitor the water level of both the ground-level water reservoir and the rooftop residential water tank. Once the supply of water decreases down to a point of concern, roughly 10% of the tank capacity, the controller turns off the water pump. This prevents the water pump from siphoning air which can result in the water pump’s malfunction or complete breakdown [9]. Similarly, the controller turns off the water pump if the rooftop tank reaches a water level of greater than or equal to 95%. This prevents the tank from overflowing and wasting water. Residents in the situation described above usually own a water pump which is used to transfer their water to the rooftop tank. To accommodate this, the PURBAHA CONTROLLER uses the input power source to power up the water pump. This allows for the controlling of most common water pumps users may own.

The PURBAHA CONTROLLER also relies on the same power range as the power source, allowing for use in a variety of regions [3]. Ideally, installation only requires mounting the water sensors in the two water tanks, plugging the water pump into the PURBAHA CONTROLLER, and plugging in the PURBAHA CONTROLLER to the nearest residential power outlet. The system then runs autonomously as a weather resistant control box capable of surviving outdoors for years at a time. By owning the PURBAHA CONTROLLER, users do not have to worry about checking the water level in the underground water reservoir several times a day. In other words, the PURBAHA CONTROLLER takes care of the tedious routine of preventing the priming and potential malfunctioning of the water pump. The PURBAHA CONTROLLER turns on the water pump when the underground water reservoir reaches full capacity and it turns it off before the water pump can suck in air. This maximizes the water pump life.

Marketing Requirements
1. Affordable
2. Completely autonomous
3. Low power consumption
4. Accurate pump control
5. Unobtrusive
6. Easy to install
7. Weather Resistant

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