Kushagra Bhatnagar

Kushagra Bhatnagar

Kushagra Bhatnagar is a Yoga Lover, Writer, Traveler and blogger having deep knowledge about yoga asanas. and meditation techniques. You can find him practising Yoga at Rishikesh YTTC or hiking somewhere in the Himalayas.

The magical fruit – Apricot – Benefits

Apricot is famous worldwide for its merits. Food lovers like it very much. It is a favourite fruit of people who eat fresh and fresh fruits. A special reason for this is that the size of apricot is as beautiful, its taste even juicier. Apricot is a juicy and rich aroma fruit, which is not only used in many types of dishes but is also considered highly beneficial for health. The origin of apricot means that apricot cultivation started in China four thousand years ago. Then when people started going...