Digital Marketing

All You Need To Know About Voice Search Optimization in 2021


As technology is progressing each passing day, the way people use their devices to search the internet is constantly changing. Voice search optimization is gaining popularity across multiple platforms like Google, Apple, Windows, etc. Thus, it has become essential for businesses to optimize their content for voice searches besides traditional SEO. 

What Is Voice Search?

Voice search is defined as searching the internet with your speech. You can browse using voice commands instead of typing into a search box. Voice search is generally done using smartphones or smart speakers, with which the user can get the results to their command.  Voice search optimization gives you the chance to have your pages read out loud by a voice search device.

How Does It Work?

Voice search or digital voice assistants basically work by processing human speech into text. Your device then analyzes the text to detect your commands. The analyzed data is then transferred to data sources like search engines to fetch relevant information. Finally, the collected information is translated into an easy-to-understand format for the user to understand. 

The working of voice search is obviously not easy as it sounds, as there is complex machine learning involved – to make the software understand user requirements. 

How Voice Search Optimization Helps Your Business?

We have seen that voice search is now a crucial SEO tool. But how specifically can it boost your business? Let’s find out. 

Traditionally, people search the internet by typing in relevant keywords into a search engine. Voice search is more conversational in nature. So, while optimizing for voice search, you can use more conversational keywords – that are focused and flexible. To put it simply, voice search queries are longer and more detailed than normal search questions. By investing in voice search optimization, you can help more leads find your business.  

Here are some things you should keep in mind before implementing voice search.

It is important to use normal speech

Voice assistant programs should be made to process conversational language. As per Google data, more than 70% of all voice searches use the natural flow of language. This is a big change from the traditional keyword terminology. For instance, if you are looking for fresh vegetables near you, instead of fresh vegetables near me”, you use “where can I get fresh vegetables near me”?

Focus on Location

You can use location to your benefit for voice searches as most of these searches are to find information about products or services that are “nearby”. So, you can add the location of your business to all the features related to your voice search optimization. 

Mind the loading speed of your website

There is actually no direct connection between loading speed and voice search optimization, but sites that load faster have higher chances for ranking high on search results, which in turn can be good for voice rankings. 

Long-tail keywords are the key

As we saw, voice search queries are longer than search using text as they are specific. As the user searches for specific content, it is a great opportunity for even smaller businesses to rank high on the search engine results page. For example, if a local store sells antique wood furniture and similar articles, it is more likely to be viewed for a search for “antique wood furniture” rather than “furniture, as bigger companies could dominate the search results. 

Why Should You Approach A Google AdWords Company?

According to the latest SEO trend for the year 2021, voice search ranks on the to at number 3. According to research by a leading Google AdWords agency in Dubai, about one-fifth of Google searches are voice-based. Users are always trying to access more ways to gain information quickly and voice search has made searching on the internet much simpler. 

The attractive aspect of voice search is that it allows the interaction with your device naturally, in a conversational manner. Voice command is widely used by people to get information on traffic, weather, etc. besides using it to play music, turn on lights, etc. 

As it is increasingly gaining popularity, it is the need of the hour to approach a good digital marketing agency in Dubai to implement voice search optimization for your business.

How To Optimize Your Website For Voice Search?

According to the research by a branding agency in Dubai, while optimizing content for voice search, you should keep the following things in mind:

  • Ensure that the content used is relevant, and is indexed by major data sources like search engines, maps, Wikipedia, etc. 
  • Use the best traditional SEO practices to make your website rank on top. Even if you have a perfectly structured optimization for voice search, it is unlikely that your business comes up if it’s not ranked on the first page. 
  • Make sure that your content answers the question in the simplest and direct manner. According to an SEO expert, 30-40 word answers that can be read by 7th graders can be perfect. 

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