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A Guide To Understand Ecommerce SEO

e-commerce website

Are you looking to optimize your ecommerce website? Well, then you have come to the right place. In this guide, you will learn the basic things you need to know when it comes to getting more targeted traffic, including customers. Everything from technical SEO to keyword search is explained in this handy guide that will surely help you understand how ecommerce SEO works.

Why Is SEO Important for Ecommerce Websites?

Firstly, it is vital to understand the importance of SEO when it comes to ecommerce websites. Why does SEO matter? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means online search engines play an important role when it comes to directing potential customers to your ecommerce website. Here are certain statistics that can explain this further. According to research, about 44% of individuals begin their online shopping session with a Google search and ecommerce websites receive 37.5% of the traffic from the search engines. Plus, 23.6% of the ecommerce orders are connected to organic traffic, according to Business Insider.

So, how exactly can SEO help with your ecommerce website? Continue reading this guide to find out.

1. Ecommerce Keyword Research

When it comes to all types of ecommerce SEO campaigns, keyword research is known as the ultimate foundation. This is because, keyword research is connected to all of the SEO-related tasks that are present on your website. Without keywords, for example, it will be pretty much impossible to do certain tasks like optimizing the product and category pages of your website. Moreover, your list of keywords is known to also influence the technical SEO, because your website’s architecture plus URLs take keywords into account. Hence, this makes keyword research a crucial component of your ecommerce website.

2. Architecture Of Your Ecommerce Website

Website architecture mainly consists of the way the pages on your website are arranged and organized. This is a vital SEO consideration for basically any website. However, this is particularly important when it comes to ecommerce websites. This is because an average ecommerce website generally has more pages as compared to a local burger shop site or an everyday blog.

With the presence of so many pages, it is important that the architecture of your website makes it easy and simple for others to find all of your site’s pages; this includes users plus search engines.

3. Focus On The On-Page SEO For Your Ecommerce Website

After you have figured out and set up your site architecture, the next step would be to focus on optimizing your product pages and your category pages. Almost all ecommerce websites get the majority of traffic and sales from these two pages, which makes absolute sense and here’s why. For example, if someone is searching for ‘blue Adidas running shoes size 9,’ they are a lot closer to making their purchase as compared to someone who conducted a search that said ‘buy shoes online.’ Hence, it is vital to keyword-optimize the category pages and product pages of your ecommerce website.

4. Technical SEO

All websites require the help of technical SEO, but it is highly important for ecommerce websites. This is due to the large quantity of pages that are present within an ecommerce website. Hence, it is because of all of these pages that many changes take place due to technical SEO issues.

In fact, the majority of the ecommerce pages do not contain that many backlinks that point to them, making technical SEO the so-called tiebreaker on the first page of Google. For example, if your website and a competitor’s website are neck-and-neck, then a minor technical SEO issue can be all it takes to reach the top spot on Google or stay in the lower ranks. Hence, regular technical SEO website audits are the key here.

5. Content Marketing For Ecommerce Websites

The right content marketing can bring a lot of targeted traffic plus sales. So, how exactly do you utilize content in order to get more traffic and higher rankings? Let the steps below be your guide:

Step: 1 – Firstly, you need to figure out where your target customers can be found online.

Step: 2 – Do research and learn the phrases and words that customers mostly use.

Step: 3 – Next, create exceptional content around your keyword.


If you are looking for someone to help you with SEO issues for your ecommerce website, then TwC Studio is the place for you. Here, we make sure that our customers are satisfied with our services. Allow us to help you with your ecommerce website and we are sure you will be pleased with the end result. You can follow us here https://twccanada. to get all the answers to your questions and to get our amazing services.

We are sure you’ll be satisfied from our services and will be getting back to us to build a long term relationship with us. Looking forward to it!

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