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Common Mistakes You Should Avoid While Writing A Novel

Common Mistakes You Should Avoid While Writing A Novel

Several authors avail the expertise of novel writing services while writing a novel because they have a team of experienced professionals who know how to make an engaging story for your audience. However, if you are an inexperienced writer and trying to write yourself, you will have to keep an eye on numerous mistakes a newbie writer, in most cases, makes.

So, if you want to write a bestseller novel or at least make your book published, there are several pieces of advice to be considered while writing, as writing a novel is a struggle of epic proportions. To make your book past the finish line, always keep in mind these mistakes and avoid most of them as possible.
So, let us review the most common mistakes a newbie writer makes during his initial journey and how to make them faultless.

Don’t Write Occasionally

For an aspiring newbie, sitting down and write a piece of content for their book for the very first time can feel like the most challenging step. However, the best advice is just to start writing, and gradually you will be in the correct direction. You can simply set a daily word count to be streamlined with the process. However, to manage your time management skills, you can simply choose a specific time for writing every day.

Don’t Ever Disregard the Story Structure

Consider keeping your fundamental story arc in mind as a pro tip even when it comes to writing determinedly creatively. It’s pretty essential to understand and follow the technical aspect of storytelling, like engaging the audience, giving hints at the start to keep the audience interested, pacing out the lead character development, and building up your story towards the climax.

Don’t Become a Critic

While writing a piece of your story, silence the critic inside yourself that says what you have written is awful. It would be best if you just focus on brainstorming and get your innovative story idea. As consistently writing can produce a lot of new ideas during your journey. However, talking about the mistakes, you can go back and edit the errors later during the editing process.

Never Stop Writing

The writing process requires consistency and dedication. That makes it easy for aspiring novelists to give up on their writing due to writer’s block. Writing a novel is a big commitment and is actually big to be written, so you need to set simple milestones. Begin with the first chapter and gradually complete your draft. In this way, you will meet your manuscript without knowing what you have achieved.

Select Which Writing Style You Want to Adopt

When it’s about writing books, two types of writers are out there. Plotters and pantsers. Plotters are writers who intensively plan before writing, while pantsers are writers who fly by the seat of their pants and write whatever they like. So, be flexible about what you write and which style works the best for you. A plotter always maps and outlines the story then starts the novel-writing process. It is pretty helpful when you find yourself intimidated by an empty page. However, a pantser settles down with a relaxed mindset and follows the path where his mind takes him.

Don’t Take a Slow Start

The beginning of a novel is pretty essential to gain the reader’s interest and attention. Spend more time writing a dramatic incident at the outset that drives your lead character to his mission and hooks the readers.

Don’t Switch Your Point of View

Pick your point of view at the start and stick with it throughout your writings. Suppose, if you have kept a third-person or first-person approach, keep your approach the same throughout the novel. You can change which character remains in the spotlight; try to keep your point of view consistent.

Don’t Create Dull Characters

Your characters are the primary key to take your journey on a narrative journey. So, you should spend time on your character’s development to make them realistic and believable. You need to ask yourself who your characters really are and flesh them out to make them look three-dimensional. Create backstories for your lead and supporting characters. Backstories would not be part of your novel, but they will significantly help you develop your character arcs. So, every character can be made interesting, whether they are leading, supporting, or bad. They add value and interest to your story.

Don’t Do All the Editing by Yourself

After finishing writing your novel, perform several rounds of editing. Fix your story loopholes, typos, and grammar yourself. After the, hand over your book to a professional editor. At first, decide which kind of editor you need: a developmental editor to structure your content or a copy editor that works on your words and sentences or novel writing services with a team of professionals. So, don’t wait and calculate your novel’s word count and make a budget to get a polished manuscript.

Self-publish Your Work

There are two ways to get your book published. Make it to a publishing company or self-publish on your own. Numerous resources are there to assist you throughout the self-publishing process, like webinars, online retailers and formatting software, and printing and marketing of books. Novel writing services also partner with publishing services and can also help you while self-publishing. It demands a small investment but doesn’t miss the chance of self-publishing.

Don’t Write a General Query

So, suppose you have decided to go on a traditional path through publishing companies and literary agents. In that case, you need to learn to write a query letter that stands out and gives a significant impression. Publishing companies are overwhelmed with authors pitching their books; however, most of them end up being piled up due to tough competition. This way, a query letter is significantly essential so find a creative approach to differentiate yourself from others.

Stay Motivated Upon Rejection

Rejection is a part of our life. We should not demotivate ourselves upon rejection. Every aspiring or established writer has faced rejection, including the bestseller authors. So, whatever it takes, be consistent, don’t stop writing, keep sending your book proposals out and begin writing new ones.

Always Read Others Work

Reading other writers can significantly help you while writing your own masterpiece. It can let you know about your own writing caliber and help teach a standard story structure. However, every lousy work can help you not repeat those mistakes in your story to make an error-free manuscript.

Don’t Ever Quit Your Story

Take rest, go for a walk, but whatever you do, just don’t quit writing your novel. Creativity, dedication, and commitment are already inside you. You just need to poke it out. So, never let down the motivation that made you write in the first place.

Don’t Stay On a Single Genre

Upon writing your first story under your belt, try to branch out a little. You should always try different genres like science fiction, mystery, or thriller to get out of your comfort zone and expand or improve your creativity and writing style. So, you never know where your next novel idea would come from. To learn more about writing check more blogs on articleritz.

Final Thoughts

So, I hope you would have better exposure to what to do and what you should not do while writing. However, you should always seek an expert’s assistance while finalizing your work. Novel writing services feature professional writers and editors who know how to make a book engaging and error-free. So, keep following the guidelines and write a masterpiece to be a best seller.

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