Writing and Speaking

Beautiful Christmas sayings


Do you already feel the warmth of the fireplace, do you smell the seductive scent of freshly baked cookies and make your heart jump at the sight of the many fairy lights? Then you have arrived in Advent! Perhaps during this contemplative time you feel the desire to surprise your favorite people with Christmas sayings and show them how much they mean to you. We have collected funny, contemplative and beautiful quotes and texts for you, with which you can put the finishing touches on your cards. Have fun finding your favorite saying at https://schonespruchekurz.de/

Short Christmas sayings

Sometimes you just miss a short sentence to perfectly round off your message to your loved ones? Then these Weihnachtssprüche and texts by famous people are made for you:

“Thousands of candles can be lit with the light of a candle without its light becoming dimmer. Joy does not diminish when it is shared.” – Buddha

“I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year round.” – Charles Dickens

“The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is not a one-time story, but a gift that will last forever.” – Martin Luther

“The Christmas season sweeps through candlelight, mild, like the scent of the forest, and a simple happiness scatters beautiful flowers of the past on the threshold.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

“Love lives from amiable little things.” – Theodor Fontane

“Grateful people are like fertile fields. They give back ten times what they have received.” – August von Kotzebue

“The secret of happiness does not lie in possessing, but in giving. Those who make others happy become happy.” – André Gide

“And now again, out of the dark, Christmas lets its stars twinkle! You can hear the angels in heaven kissing and the whole world smells of pepper nuts.” – Arno wood

“O Christmas! Christmas! Highest celebration! We cannot believe her bliss. She wraps the most blessed secret in her sacred veil.” – Nikolaus Lenau

“That is the miracle of the Holy Night, that the bright sun shines in the darkness of the earth.” – Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

Der kühle Wind wehte Christmas

“Winter is kind to the children, the youngest are used to it, an angel comes, the little wings gold, which is worthwhile to good children.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“It has to come from the heart, what should work on the heart.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The night before Christmas Eve, the children are dreaming. They dream of beautiful things and the Christmas tree.” – Robert Reinick

“My heart should jump happily this time, when all angels are singing to Freud.” – Paul Gerhardt

“And so the world slowly lights up towards Christmas, and whoever holds it knows about the blessing.” – Matthias Claudius

“The more joy we give other people, the more joy returns to our own hearts.” – German proverb

“If joy is hasty, there is a long hope before it, and it is followed by a longer memory.” – Jean Paul

“It’s nice to meet the eyes of someone who has just been given something.” – Jean de la Bruyère

“Towers, roofs, branches are white and the year is running out and the most beautiful festival is here!” – Theodor Fontane

“Coming home, that is what the child of Bethlehem wants to give to all who weep, watch and wander on this earth.” – Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

“From the sky into the deepest crevices a mild star laughs down; from the fir forest, scents rise and breath through the winter breezes, and the night becomes candlelight.” – Theodor Storm

“And so the world slowly lights up towards Christmas. And whoever holds it in his hands knows about the blessing!” – Matthias Claudius

“A pious spell holds me back, adoring, astonished, I have to stand; A golden childhood dream sinks down on my eyelids, I feel it – a miracle has happened. ” – Theodor Storm

“Happiness often comes from attentiveness to small things.” – Wilhelm Busch

“Basically, it is always the connections with people that give life its value.” – Wilhelm von Humboldt

“Just as the buds of the Barbara branch open by Christmas, so should the human being too open to the coming light.” – Johann Fischer

“Only when Christmas is in the heart is Christmas in the air.” – William Turner Ellis

“Float down, holy night, shine for us again, star full of splendor. Grasp the strings, heavenly choir: Most beautiful of times, rise!” – Clara Forrer

“To keep peace and benevolence in one’s heart, to be generous with mercy, that is, to carry the true spirit of Christmas within.” – John Coolidge

“To give means to give to another what one would like to keep for oneself.” – Selma Lagerlöf

“A festival is approaching, a festival like no other. For all who are of good will. A festival whose spirit spans the world and proclaims the message across mountains and valleys: Christ is born.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

Funny greetings

Because you shouldn’t lose your sense of humor in the often stressful and exhausting pre-Christmas season, we have collected Christmas sayings for you with which you will definitely make your loved ones smile:

“Christmas time! Who is talking about victories? Surviving is everything!” – Rainer Maria Rilke

“Having to do Christmas shopping in overcrowded stores is Santa Claustrophobia.” – Robert Owen

“Give heartfelt and free. Give what lives in you in terms of opinion, taste and humor, so that your own joy beforehand rewards you amply.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

“The contemplative days between Christmas and New Year’s have already made some people lose their senses.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

“Because love is lacking all year round, children are punished with gifts at Christmas.” – Hubert Ries

Contemplative Christmas sayings

Express the warmth and security of the festival of love. You can do that with these contemplative

Christmas sayings guaranteed:

“Christmas is not a time or season, but a state of affairs. To hold peace and benevolence in one’s heart, to be generous with mercy, that is, to carry the true spirit of Christmas within.” – Calvin Coolidge

“And I’ll come home for Christmas. We all do or should do it. We all come home or should come home. For a short rest, the longer the better, to take in and give rest.” – Charles Dickens

“The message of Christmas: There is no greater force than love. It overcomes hatred as light overcomes darkness.” – Martin Luther

“Advent and Christmas are like a keyhole through which a glow from home falls on our dark earth path.” – Friedrich von Bodelschwingh

But may the Christ Child bring you the most beautiful of all beautiful things, and whatever you dream, wish or think that you would like to have.

Wilhelm Busch

“There the doors and gates open, the children cheer, the candles break the warm light of life from doors and windows.” – Ernst von Wildenbruch

“If in the dream of an eternal dream we are all non-hostile – once a year! All of us children feel a tree. How it should be, how it was all once.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

“O beautiful, glorious Christmas time, what joy and happiness bring you!
When the holy Christian in every house distributes his dear gifts. “- Hoffmann von Fallersleben

“Now the Christmas candles shine again and awaken joy in all hearts. Dear parents, these days what should we sing, what should we say? We want to wish you the most beautiful of the beautiful, the best of the good! We want thank you for all gifts
and still want you better. “- Gustav Falke

“The market and streets are abandoned, every house is quietly lit, I walk through the alleys pensive, everything looks so festive.” – Joseph von Eichendorff

“Christmas! He must truly be a misanthropist, in which there is no such thing as cheerfulness, which does not have a number of pleasant associations when Christmas approaches.” – Charles Dickens

“A festival is approaching, a festival like no other. For all who are of good will. A festival whose spirit spans the world and proclaims the message across mountains and valleys: Christ is born.” – Joachim Ringelnatz

“A star shines in from the east with a wonderfully bright glow, it is approaching, a heavenly light is approaching, which is refracted into a thousand rays! You little stars on the dark blue that adorn all of you heaven’s structure withdraw from this glow. You get all tiny! Hide yourselves, sunlight and moon, who are enthroned so proudly in the sky! It is approaching, it is approaching from afar – from the east – the poinsettia! ” – Count of Pocci

“The days are so dark, the nights long and cold. But star twinkles still exercise power over us. We want to look to you, you light that burns forever and seriously crept up to the blessed Advent.” – Max von Schenkendorf

Christmas wishes profound

We hope you were able to find quotes and Christmas sayings that will fit perfectly on your Christmas cards and bring joy to the recipients. We sincerely wish you a wonderful Advent season and a healthy, cozy Christmas with your loved ones!

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