
10 Reasons Why You Should Choose A Distance Learning Degree

10 Reasons Why You Should Choose A Distance Learning Degree
10 Reasons Why You Should Choose A Distance Learning Degree

10 Reasons Why You Should Choose A Distance Learning Degree – More aware and increasingly receptive to what students want, higher education institutions are walking a fine line and striking a great balance between traditional and new-age methods of teaching. In an era where more and more students are trying to gain access to greater knowledge and training, academic giants are opening doors and welcoming them, even if it is not for their brick-and-mortar avatar.

With distance learning in Chandigarh, an academic solution that allows students to learn more and learn better and allows higher education institutions to reach more students, we have a system that democratizes and globalizes education.

Here are 10 reasons why distance learning is the new classroom setting.


A study from different courses

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of pursuing a degree through distance learning is the sheer number of programs available for you to choose from. From pursuing a bachelor’s degree in creative writing or even criminology to digital marketing to pursuing a quality MBA through distance learning, the options are not only endless but also diverse.

With the recent Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) announcement that top higher-education institutions with higher NAAC ratings will be eligible to offer online degree courses, the distance learning environment is only rapidly gaining credibility and momentum.


Enjoy adaptable study schedules

It is no longer enough to do your bachelor’s and masters in one go and then carry on for the rest of your career without updating your skills. Increasingly companies are looking for individuals who are willing to learn more and hone their skills. Distance learning programs provide students with the flexibility to pursue the course they are enrolled in while meeting other work, family or academic commitments. Students have the freedom to set their own pace of study, set assignment submission deadlines or even set their own exam schedule.


Save money and time

While this does not necessarily mean that a distance program is certainly going to be cheaper than studying at a traditional college, in most cases, it is. Virtual programs can be cheaper while providing the same quality education and network. Along with financial savings, a remote program also saves you time. Especially for a working person, this means not taking a break from their career, and finding a program that fits their schedule.


Meet people from all over the world

The concern many students have about enrolling in a distance program is whether they will be motivated enough to complete the course in isolation. What they don’t realize is that most online, distance learning programs have a worldwide network of fellow students who become friends, guides, and study partners, making the whole process of solitary learning easier.

Some universities that offer distance learning programs also grant full alumni status to students, allowing them to develop connections and gain references that can help you grow in your chosen career.


Taught by top professors and guest lecturers

With the increasing popularity of online education, the quality of education being imparted has also improved significantly. Students are being tutored by some of the top names in the field, achieving an education that would otherwise be impossible. Many universities offer distance learning to provide a high quality of education, create a flexible study environment, and provide dedicated academic advisors to students.

Many distance learning programs are now also offering placement assistance to students, with top companies recruiting students graduating from their programs.


Choose a Format That Works for You

With data analytics and machine learning forming the foundation of MOOC providers, distance learning programs are designed to continually enhance the way you study, helping you analyze areas of improvement and success. With individual tutors and academic mentors, distance education providers are going an extra mile to give students a curriculum structure from which they are not only learning, but growing.


Products that outperform traditional classroom setups

In a 2009 study by the US Department of Education, it was found that students who took online courses “performed marginally better on average than those who learned the same material through traditional face-to-face instruction.” It also said that “the effectiveness of online learning approaches is quite broad across the different content and learning types.”

Related studies have introduced distance learning programs for better retention and a greater learning experience, thanks to the use of multimedia content and state-of-the-art technology.


Break free from the shackles of space and movement

This may sound like a lonely-limit situation, but distance learning through distance programs not only makes you location independent but also saves you the long commuting time that full-time students sometimes have to go through.

With a distance learning program, you earn a quality international degree while studying from your home or your favourite neighbourhood cafe.


Get easy access to the program you want

On-campus programs have tough requirements that can sometimes be difficult to meet, thus, hindering your chances of getting admission. Distance learning programs often have minimum eligibility criteria. While some distance programs have entrance exams, cut-off scores are often low and counselling sessions are often seen as being easy.

This easing means that even students who do not have an excellent academic record can switch it up, and get admission to the college of their choice, although the college has a distance learning program.


Build your skillset and increase your hiring potential

In the job market, which is only becoming increasingly competitive, training and skill up-gradation is not only appropriate but also necessary. In 2013, ManpowerGroup conducted a talent shortage survey, which stated that 34% of hiring managers lacked the hard skills required for particular roles, resulting in a lack of resources. Earning a globally recognized degree while working reflects a commitment to growth and an appetite for the challenge that can only enhance your on-the-job growth track and increase your employment opportunities.

Studying on your own is no easy task, without the help of a class full of students, and the teacher constantly supervising your work. It requires commitment and willpower to make sure you are on track and motivated to complete the course.

The motivation to stay on track can come from choosing not only the right course but also the right college. A great alternative to traditional classroom teaching, distance learning can be the perfect step on your road to success.

Benefits of Distance Learning

Adaptability and Freedom:

One of the main advantages of distance learning can be a personalized approach to education, regardless of the channels or mediums you are using for the purpose. Whether you are getting study material online or via post, you can learn only when a relationship develops between you and the course material. You get the freedom to deal with the study material in the distance learning process. You can plan your learning process at your convenience instead of sticking with a fixed schedule.


Distance learning encourages you to motivate yourself to learn in the absence of a traditional teacher to guide you. You have to create a learning environment and control it effectively so that a band of self-motivation develops in you which will motivate you to learn for your personal growth. You can develop this band in you by involving yourself in distance learning methods.

Flexibility to choose:

If you are following the traditional methods of learning then you have to follow a prescribed learning program as per the school curriculum. But different types of distance learning allow you to set your own learning schedule at your convenience without having to follow a regular schedule of learning. Even if you are out of the learning process, the distance learning program gives you the flexibility to choose your learning course.

Earn while learning:

Distance education can be the best option for those who want to improve their resume by pursuing higher education and without breaking their current job. You can earn your livelihood as well as improve your qualifications as distance learning will accommodate both learning and earning.

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