
Hajj and Umrah Your Guide for Hajj and Umrah

Travel to Haram from UK

                “Environment, prevention, social distancing
Requirements before arriving in the Kingdom “

Those performing Umrah or visiting the Two Holy Mosques from outside Saudi Arabia must adhere to the Ministry of Health’s requirements and instructions for those performing Umrah or visiting the Two Holy Mosques from outside Saudi Arabia.

Hajj and Umrah from UK with regard to the required vaccinations and health certificates according to each country. Aviation protocols must be followed when it comes to the correct steps to take with those arriving from outside the Kingdom, as well as the steps to take if a possible case of Covid-19 disease is detected on board.
The safety standards in the guide must be practiced when interacting with visitors from outside the Kingdom… (Quarantine – Home isolation).

hajj and umrah guide by Travel to Haram

Staying in Arafat for Hajj and Umrah:

There is a “Masjid-e-Nimrah” in the field of Arafat, here Imam Sahib will give a sermon after the time of Zawal, then the Zuhr and Asr prayers will be shortened with one Adhan and two Iqamah.

They will pray, they will pray in the same way, but those who pray in tents should pray according to the guidance of their jurisprudential scholars. Four rak’ats of Zuhr will be given at the time of Zuhr, and four rak’ats of Asr will be offered at the time of Asr, according to Hanafi jurisprudence.

Waqf of Arafat for Hajj and Umrah:

The main member of Hajj is Waqf of Arafat. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) described this day as the best and the best. This is the day of forgiveness from sins and liberation from hell. The time of Waqf of Arafat starts after sunset, so after performing the Zuhr prayers, stand facing the Qibla under the open sky. Praise Allah Almighty first, recite Durood Sharif, recite Talbiyah, repent and seek forgiveness, make supplications to Allah.

Continue this Hajj and Umrah process:

The time between Asr and Maghrib is the most precious time in the field of Arafat. Here the blessings of Allah Almighty are pouring down like a downpour. With tears and water flowing from the eyes, with trembling lips and trembling being, begging in the court of God, pleasing the Lord. Do the religious and worldly prayers that you can. Ask Allah for whatever you can, that no one will return to Him empty-handed on that day. In case of fatigue, sit for a while and then stand up.

Continue this until sunset. Remember, this is the same field of Arafat which will be the field of doomsday where the sun will be on the spear. The record of deeds of a good man will be placed in his right hand and the record of deeds of a bad person will be placed in his left hand.

Departure for Muzdalifah:

Pilgrims will leave Arafat Square for Muzdalifah after sunset without performing Maghrib prayers. It is obligatory to offer the evening prayer in Muzdalifah. The distance from Arafat to Muzdalifah is 7 km, but due to the one-way journey of millions of pilgrims, this route can be covered in several hours. A valley between Arafat and Mina is called Muzdalifah.

According to the command of Allah, it is obligatory to stay here. In Surah Al-Baqarah, the Almighty says, “And when you begin to return from Arafat, remember Allah in Mash’ar al-Haram (Muzdalifah), as He has taught you.” He stayed here on his return. Arrive here and offer Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Rest for a while, pick 70 pebbles equal to gram or palm kernels for rummy. They do not need to be washed or cleaned. This night of Muzdalifah is the best night, don’t spend it sleeping. Worship and pray as much as you can. After the Fajr prayers, stand facing the Ka’bah of Allah and raise your hands and cry before the Lord, shed tears, please the Lord, ask for prayers. This is called Waqf Muzdalifah, which is obligatory. Its time is from dawn to before sunrise. This is also the best and special time for accepting prayers.

Travel to Haram from UK

 Dhu’l-Hijjah, the third day of Hajj:

The distance from Muzdalifah to Mina is 5 km. After reaching Mina, the first task of Dhu’l-Hijjah 10 is to throw seven pebbles at the big devil, while on 12, 11 and 13 Dhu’l-Hijjah the three devils are stoned, which is obligatory. The great devil is also called Jumrah Kubra and Jumrah Aqaba. The wall on which pebbles are thrown is called Jamrat and Rami means to strike.

The best time to throw pebbles :

is from sunrise to sunset, but now Saudi scholars have declared it permissible to throw pebbles even after sunset. Pilgrims follow the guidance of their teacher. Separate the seven pebbles, carefully placing a few more pebbles. Pebbles that do not hit the stone wall are lost. Hit another instead.

Do not pick up pebbles lying on the ground, they will be rejected. Hold the pebble with the thumb and index finger of your right hand and hit it one by one, saying “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, Wallah Alhamdulillah”. Read Takbir every time. If all the pebbles hit together, it will be called one pebble, while each devil must hit 7-7 pebbles. Usually the pilgrims return from Mina on the 12th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, but the Holy Prophet (sws) stayed in Mina on the night of the 12th of Dhu’l-Hijjah and left on the 13th of Dhu’l-Hijjah by throwing stones at the devil.


Sacrifice is obligatory in Hajj. Nowadays, according to Saudi law, tokens are given by depositing the amount of the sacrifice, which indicates the time of the sacrifice. Therefore, after one or two hours of the prescribed time, the throat should be shortened or shortened. After the throat or shortening, the restrictions of ihram are removed, except for marital relations. This ban will end after the pilgrimage. Take off ihram and put on ordinary clothes, apply perfume.

Tawaf-e-Ziyarat: Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is an obligatory part of Hajj, without which Hajj will not be complete. The best time for this is 10 Dhul-Hijjah, but it must be done before sunset on 12 Dhul-Hijjah. There is neither ihram nor discipline in the circumambulation of the pilgrimage. It is done by wearing ordinary clothes.

Some Specific Rules for Women:

It is a condition for women to go on Hajj with Muharram. Their ihram is their normal clothes. The hair of the head must be covered with a cloth, handkerchief or scarf. Ghusl or ablution will not take place if the nails are polished. Women will not do Raml (walking fast) and Aztaba (opening the right shoulder) during Tawaf. In the same way, during the green light in Sa’i, it will run at its normal speed.

During Tawaf :

Women should cover their face, but be careful not to cover their face. For women, it is obligatory to cut at least a quarter of the hair, as much as one finger. Menstruating women can do ghusl, it is not a ghusl of purity, it will be a ghusl of cleanliness. While entering ihram, women will also do the same things that men do, ie bathing, cutting hair and nails, etc. The women will read aloud. A menstruating woman will do all this, but she cannot pray. They cannot enter the Masjid al-Haram and the Masjid al-Nabawi, so they cannot perform Tawaf.

Menstruating women can perform oral recitation of the Holy Qur’an, dhikr and dhikr, Durood Sharif and supplications from their place of residence in Mecca. These are the actions that a menstruating woman can perform on the days of Hajj.

Intention to enter ihram, stay in ‘Arafah, perform’ Waqf of ‘Arafah, spend the night in Muzdalifah, perform’ Waqf of Muzdalifah and throw stones at stones. However, she will not perform Tawaf until she is cleansed. According to the fatwa of the scholars, during Hajj, women can take medicines for certain days as prescribed by the doctor.

Take the following things with you on the plane and when you arrive at the airport:

In the event that any respiratory symptoms appear (high temperature, coughing, shortness of breath) on the passenger while he is on the plane, he should seek help from the cabin crew Immediately.

In the Hajj and Umrah event that information about the symptoms of respiratory infection on a Traveling person is available while .He is on the plane. The operator of the means of transport should provide the required information according to the general declaration of the aircraft (Annex 9 of the International Health Regulations) to the health monitoring center at the port.

Hajj and Umrah Services by Travel to Haram
Travel to Haram your guide for Hajj and Umrah

The Hajj and Umrah passenger

Location form should be filled out when there is a suspected case on the plane. Also included should be the passenger’s contact information. In accordance with the International Air Transport Association operating manuals. The captain of the aircraft must inform the health authorities. At the airport of arrival about the presence of a passenger with respiratory symptoms. Prior to the arrival of the aircraft.

When a passenger with respiratory problems is recorded. The plane is treated in accordance with the methods laid out in the manual (Manual of Policies and Procedures for Work in Health Control Centers at Ports for Passenger Traffic Return in the Wake of the Corona Pandemic).

Hajj and Umrah Guide for Passenger :

If there isn’t a report of suspicion on the plane, the following steps are taken when you arrive:
Pilgrims must be carried to the arrival hall on a separate track or bus that is not connected with other passengers.

Both pilgrims and tourists are checked upon disembarking from the plane by walking down marked lanes, taking their temperature, and being asked about respiratory symptoms (coughing, shortness of breath, sore throat, and runny nose) or a sudden loss of taste and smell.
If there are symptoms on one of the pilgrims, the following must be done:

Health Condition of the Pilgrim :

At the airport, the pilgrim’s wellbeing is assessed, and a test sample is collected.
If his condition is healthy, he will be placed in a designated residence and will be required to wear a smart bracelet.
He is isolated in a health institution if his illness is unstable.

If it is confirmed that she has Covid-19 disease, the situation is handled in Hajj and Umrah according to the instructions for Covid-19 disease and the health provisions of the guide for coping with those arriving from outside the Kingdom.(Quarantine – Home isolation)

A member of the clinical professionals:

A member of the clinical professionals is selected to conduct the Covid-19 disease awareness and education process for those in charge of each cohort, as well as distribute informative leaflets to them.

Pilgrims and visitors to Umrah are registered on the Umrah app, as well as the course of implementation apps monitoring pilgrims’ protection, such as an app that reassures and entrusts us, distancing or requiring them to wear a smart bracelet to coordinate Umrah and so that health officials can manage them during home quarantine.

Passport Area for Hajj and Umrah :

A path is designated for pilgrims and visitors at the passport counters . With social distancing signs placed on the ground for a distance of not less than one and a half meters. Supervisors should be assigned to organize pilgrims and visitors and prevent crowding.

Passport employees must wear masks and disinfect hands after handling the documents for Umrah performers.
After each use, an agent should be appointed to disinfect the fingerprint unit. The passport officer must ask everyone to sterilize the hands before and after using the fingerprint device.
Suspected cases have their very own track or counter, as long as it is not shared with other lanes.

Customs Area :

Through naming supervisors and installing field signs for parking spots, crowding must be avoided when waiting to check the bags and properties of pilgrims and tourists . Customs employees must wear masks at all times and avoid touching travelers’ property as much as possible.
When an employee must check bags, gloves should be worn and then discarded until the test is done and the employee’s hands have been disinfected.

Transfer requirements :

To ensure social distinction, buses are assigned to each category, with at least one lifetime appointment between each passenger and the other. With the exception of families.
The carrying capacity of buses could be limited to less than 50%. Prevent crowding and organize passengers.
Adhere to all the requirements contained in the bus protocols.

Important explanation regarding the booking of Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah : 

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has offered some important explanations for Umrah pilgrims regarding booking. According to a report by a foreign news agency,

The ministry says that visitors can issue one Umrah permit after another. Umrah will be permitted once every 15 days under the new scheme. Interested citizens and foreigners can perform one Umrah and get permission for another Umrah. According to the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. If a person’s Umrah application has been denied, they will apply for a new permit. Umrah permits will currently be granted for up to 18 Sha’ban.

Saudi cabinet reshuffles, Hajj and Umrah minister reshuffled :

It has also been directed that if there is no possibility of Umrah permission on the ‘Etemarna’ app.It should be tried again. It should be remembered that the country is currently receiving a high volume of booking applications.

Housing Activities :  

Coordinates with responsible companies on Umrah travels by allocating funds in the following categories:
You can allocate space or comply with all armies from the former leaders on their own.

It is necessary to replace the house bed under which the floor has been removed:

Appropriate communication with the Ministry of Health for Prosecutors, such as changing the line of sight in each case.

It is necessary to reduce the available energy for the special housing of the pilgrims and the pilgrims to half.
It is not necessary to add more than two hundred people to each booth with the implementation of social follow up without mentioning the meter and text between the lines.

Prohibit the departure of pilgrims and pilgrims from the special residence .Before the end of the period of removal of the house for the individuals.who appear against them

Travel To Haram is a brand name of Polani Travel Ltd, having direct accreditation from the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah in Saudi Arabia and ground arrangements in the Kingdom, ATOL & IATA accreditation, Travel to Haram excels in facilitating smooth and convenient Islamic tours to the Land of the Prophets.

We are one of the leading names in UK for providing 5 star Hajj Packages and 5 star Umrah Packages, 4 star Hajj and 3 star economy Hajj packages at the most lowest prices.

Hajj Packages 2021

If you are looking for hajj packages 2021 Travel to Haram offers the carefully designed Cheap Hajj Packages 2021 and Umrah Packages 2021 for the pilgrims departing from the United Kingdom. Being a trusted travel agency over 40 years of experience, Travel to Haram prodly commits to provide an exceptional and enriching travelling experience for the most spiritual enchantment “Hajj” & “Umrah“. We pride ourselves in offering cost effective accommodation in the close proximity from Harams in Makkah and from Masjid-e- Nabvi in Madinah depending upon your choices of budgets and needs. Being a trusted and reliable source of Umrah Packages, we take the responsibility of all the arrangements and administrative tasks on our shoulders without any hesitation. You can now visit the most holiest Places in the world’s beautiful cities “Makkah” & “Madinah” with utmost peace of mind.

Cheap Hajj Packages 2021 Travel to Haram

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