
Mental Health-Mental Health Means Much More Than Being Happy

Mental health

Having mental health means much more than being happy, in fact it means being at peace with yourself and with the things around you.

Did you know that all of us will be human can we show signs of psychic suffering during our lives? Yes, and this is considered absolutely normal.

If you are going through a difficult time this post is dedicated especially to you, do not think that this is the end of the world, you are not alone.

Mental health implies more than not having mental illness, having that health means being well with oneself and knowing how to deal with the adversities that life brings us.

Throughout our lives coping with numerous challenges like:

  • Aging
  • Menopause
  • Entry into adolescence
  • Unemployment
  • Divorce
  • Death of a loved one
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

However, we must be aware that psychic illnesses are serious and we must treat them with all due care.

If you do not have any of these diseases but want to help someone who is going through a difficult phase try:

  • Motivate
  • Support
  • Do not make judgments
  • Integrate the individual
  • Give opportunities

We can never predict when we will have difficulties in our lives, so we must help the people who are going through these moments.

3 tips to improve your mental health

Have you been feeling sad and unmotivated lately to do your day-to-day tasks? in this post we will bring 3 must-have tips to improve your mental health.

I knew this could be a strong indication that you are close to emotional exhaustion.

It is foolish to think that only physical exhaustion is capable of harming us in our interpersonal relationships, emotional exhaustion can make us move away from the people we love most and even bring harm to our professional side.

To help you deal with this situation, we have separated these 3 tips, check out:

Seek medical follow-up: Many people try to postpone medical treatment as much as possible, either out of fear or insecurity.

* Practice physical activity: Exercise can be a great ally in combating diseases such as anxiety and depression.

* Eat right: Avoid consuming too much fatty products that are harmful to your health. In addition to avoiding obesity, it provides well-being.

* Practice massage modalities often: Everyone already knows the enormous amount that relaxing massages can provide us, among them are the decrease of stress and anxiety.

You do not have time to do a massage?

Relax! There are currently practices that last only 10 to 20 minutes.

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