
Things to Learn About Asthma and Cigarette Smoking


Asthma is a lung condition that narrows your airways and produces extra mucus. It develops breathing issues and triggers coughing. A person also makes a whistling sound while breathing.


Cigarette or cigar smoking harms the body organs and can develop more sensitive issues for asthma patients. A person may be suffering from early signs of asthma, but smoking can trigger its symptoms and cause serious health issues.


My uncle is the best lung specialist in Peshawar, and he always suggests us to avoid cigarette smoking or even exposure to secondhand smoke. Inhale of tobacco affects the moist linings of the airways, which results in worsening asthma. 


Smoke also makes the lungs produce more mucus, which increases the chances of an asthma attack.

Children Are at High Risks 

Children who inhale the smoke are also at high risk to develop asthma or even worsen the condition. This consideration is not proven by studies yet, but many cases have been revealed that smoke affects the lungs of the kids.


Children with asthma should reduce exposure to cigarette smoke, or it can develop different diseases in them.


Asthma suffering kids often go to emergency because they live with smokers or being a victim of secondhand smoke. Parents who smoke increase the chances of ear infections in their children. If your child is suffering from early signs of asthma, then smoking can trigger an asthma attack and worsen the condition. Parents should avoid smoking for their kids because living with smoke does not let their lungs grow more and are more likely to get bronchitis and pneumonia.

Smoke in Teens 

A recent report reveals a major drop in teens’ percentage who do not smoke. Only 13% of them smoke currently, said, High school students. We shouldn’t forget that teens have a high level of cholesterol and can develop heart diseases if they are being exposed to secondhand smoke for a long time. Living with friends who smoke can worsen your asthma condition and increase the chances of its attack.

Parents also must watch their grooming kids because cigarette consumption damages their respiratory organs seriously. 

9 in 10 Adults started smoking from the age18. Teenage smoking can affect their physical fitness as it can lead to weight loss and reduce the efficiency of metabolism. Early age smoking also decreases lung growth and its functionality.  

Do You Know About Thirdhand Smoke? 


Thirdhand smoke refers to the remains of the tobacco smoke on your skin, clothing, etc. No matter how long ago you smoke, its chemicals will stick to your skin and react with another pollutant with air. Such a combination or reaction will be inhaled by you or your loved ones and can create harmful practices, damage lungs or develop an infection to your lungs.


Children and non-smokers can develop tobacco-related diseases because smoke sticks to the walls, carpets, vehicles, clothes, etc. You should protect your loved ones by removing these pollutants. You need to clean the fabrics, floors, carpets, and other households from time to time. 


What to Do To Minimize the Exposure to both Secondhand and Thirdhand Smoke?


Asthma is a disease that you never want to suffer from or do not want to see your children in such a condition. We should not forget that secondhand or thirdhand smoke can cause many health issues, including trigger asthma, lung cancer, etc. 

Are you a smoker? Quit smoking because you should be the first one to bring a healthy change. You may also ask your guests and other relatives who smoke around you or your kids. Nicotine gum or patches are the alternatives to smoking. Childcare can help you to protect your kids from asthma or trigger an asthma attack.

Tips to Quit Smoking

It’s not an easy job to quit smoking instantly. But to ensure the health safety of children, you should be a good example. Here, you can find some tips that will help you to make your dream come true.


  • Get yourself busy with some work.
  • Don’t think about what you are missing out on but only remember that you need to live a quality life with your loved ones.
  • Visit places that do not allow people to smoke.
  • Join any sports team and enjoy the time with your friends.
  • When you feel smoke, take a deep breath and think about yourself.
  • Keep your pockets empty, and don’t carry cigarettes or cigars.
  • When the urge to smoke strikes, increase the intake of low-calorie foods.
  • Medicines can curb cravings and may also make smoking less satisfying if you do pick up a cigar. Other drugs can ease withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, Depression or problems with concentration.


Drinking fluid or herbal teas can help you to avoid smoking and according to the researchers from Mohmand Medical Complex. 75% of people who avoid smoking will smoke again. We should not give up on the facts that can damage our quality of life. Smoking can also cause asthma issues if you smoker sitting next to them.

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