
Flibanserin: Oral Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in Women

What is Flibanserin, and what are its Uses

What is Flibanserin, and what are its Uses?

Flibanserin is a drug that is recommended as an oral prescription medication for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in women who haven’t yet gone through menopause.

It relieves the symptoms such as lack of sexual desire, or low sexual drive in women who are suffering from this sexual dysfunction, which is also known as Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD), and Hyposexuality in women.

There are different categories of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder such as General Hyposexuality, Situational Hyposexuality, Acquired Hyposexuality, and Lifelong Hyposexuality, all of these have symptoms that can be relived with the use of Flibanserin oral medication.

Flibanserin Dosage for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD):

The dosage that is generally prescribed for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in women is Flibanserin 100 mg, but it is best to discuss the dosage with your doctor and only use the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

What is the Procedure to Use Flibanserin 100 mg tablet for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSSD) in Women?

A dosage of Flibanserin 100 mg dosage is an oral medication, to be drunk down with some water, usually before bedtime.

The medication does not offer any overnight effects but a woman who takes the Flibanserin 100 mg dosage for about 3 days will begin to notice some results, while some women may require a week or more to notice a difference in the symptoms of their condition.

 Only one dosage of Flibanserin 100 mg is to be taken in 24 hours for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSSD) in Women.

But it is best to follow the specific dosage and usage instructions that you have been given by your doctor or pharmacist regarding this oral medication.

Missed Dosage:

If you miss a dosage of Flibanserin 100 mg medicine, you can take it as soon as you remember it if it is yet before your bedtime.

Or else wait till the time of the next dosage and make sure that 24 hours of gap is maintained and you take this medication only when you are about to sleep and never during the day time unless if your doctor has given you specific instructions to do so.


Overdose of Flibanserin 100 mg medication can occur if more than one tablet is taken together within 24 hours, or if certain medication has affected its elimination time.

If such a scenario occurs, call your doctor and inform him or her immediately to cut down any harm to your body.

Side-effects that can occur after the usage of Flibanserin 100 mg tablet for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSSD) in Women:

  • Dryness in Mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular Sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Daytime Sleepiness
  • Fatigue
  • Light Headedness
  • Nausea

These are some side-effects reported by women who make use of Flibanserin 100 mg medication for the treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSSD), but a person can have other side-effects as each person has a different physical reaction to a new drug.

You may get a more detailed list of Flibanserin 100 mg side-effects from your doctor and your pharmacist.

Allergic Reaction:

Very rare reports of allergic reaction from the use of Flibanserin 100 mg tablet used for treating the female sexual dysfunction known as Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD) are there. But it is best to first check for any chances of an allergic reaction, and if you are using this medication for the first time, please lookout for any signs of an allergic reaction such as hives, rashes, swellings, and itching on the body.

Precautions and Warnings Regarding the Use of Flibanserin 100 mg for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD):

Flibanserin 100 mg tablet can lower blood pressure so a woman who is suffering from low blood pressure should confirm with their doctor if they can safely make use of this medication.

Please do not take this medication during the day time if you are using Flibanserin 100 mg for the treatment of Hyposexuality as it induces sleepiness, also avoid operating any machine or driving after taking this medication.

Alcohol has been shown to interact with this medication and increase the number of side-effects that a person suffers from after making use of it. Hence, don’t take alcohol when you use this medication and keep a period of at least 2-3 hours between alcohol consumption and the use of this medication.

Grapefruit juice tends to lower down the blood pressure and so does the use of this medication, so both are not to be taken together.

Medications used for the treatment of certain conditions such as Low blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, and depressions tend to interact with Flibanserin 100 mg tablet.

How should I use this medicine?

Take this medicine by mouth with a crystal of water. Do not take with grapefruit juice. Follow the instructions on the prescription label. This drug should only be taken at bedtime. Taking it at a time other than time to retire can increase your risk for side effects such as low blood pressure, fainting, accidentally injury, and daytime sleepiness. If you drink alcohol wait at least 2 hours after you stop drinking alcohol before captivating your dose at bedtime. Another excellent is to skip your dose at bedtime if you drink alcohol in the twilight. After taking your bedtime dose, do not drink alcohol pending the next day. Take your medicine at regular intermissions. Do not take it more frequently than directed. Do not stop taking except on your doctor’s advice.

What should I watch for while using this medication?

Visit your doctor or health care expert for regular checks on your development. Tell your doctor if your indications have not improved after you have taken this drug for 8 weeks.

You may get dizzy or sleepy. Do not drive, use machinery, or do whatever that needs mental attentiveness for at least 6 hours afterward you take your dose and until you know how this medication affects you. The risk of severe drowsiness is increased if you are also enchanting other medicines that cause sleepiness, or if you take this medicine throughout waking hours. Only take this medicine at bedtime.

Storage Information:

Store the tablets with their plastic coatings intact, in a place that is away from direct sunlight and does not collect moisture.

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