
What is My Zodiac Sign According To My Name?

zodiac sign by name - Tarot Life

Do you know your zodiac signs by your name? Have you ever checked your Moon Sign? Well, zodiac signs are not only determined by the date of birth. As per Vedic astrology, a person has two zodiac signs- sun sign and Moon Sign. Out of which Moon Signs play an important role in offering insights into who you are and who you will be.

Your Moon Sign is determined by your name. It is the sign that provides information about your inner personality and reflects your subconscious mind.  It tells your deepest desires and reveals how emotionally stable you are. If you know your Moon Sign, you can improve yourself and find the right way to accomplish your life goals. But how to know zodiac signs by name

Read on the post and know what is your Moon Sign and what does your Moon Sign say about your personality traits. 

Here is Zodiac Sign According To Name:

  • Aries Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign-Mars

Alphabets for Moon sign-  A, L, E, I, and O

Compatible signs for Aries Moon Sign- Leo, Libra and Sagittarius

You are a creative, free-spirited and passionate individual. You love taking risks and doesn’t afraid of crossing the limits for your loved ones. You want excitement and adventure in your life and love the partner who could party with you or go on long trips. However, you tend to be very argumentative and impulsive when it comes to proving your point. 

  • Taurus Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Venus

Alphabets for Moon sign-  B, U, V, and W

Compatible signs- Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius

You are one of the most sensual Moon Sign. You are calm, composed and firm in your decisions. You seek materialistic pleasures and get attracted to luxury and beauty. You are patient in nature and give your time to nurture and build emotions. 

  • Gemini Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Mercury

Alphabets for Moon sign-  K, CHH, GH, Q, and C

Compatible signs- Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Aquarius

You possess great communication and intellectual abilities. You are witty, friendly and very social. You often rationalize your emotions and show dual nature when it comes to making relationships. You are free-spirited natives who love to live each moment of your life to the fullest. 

  • Cancer Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Moon

Alphabets for Moon sign-  D, Hi, DD, and He

Compatible signs- Libra, Scorpio and Pisces

You are very sensitive and emotional. You need security and stability in your life and thus like the company of the people who offers you the same. Due to your over-sensitive nature, you feel resentful when you don’t get the nurturing and care that you desire from your partner. 

  • Leo Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Sun

Alphabets for Moon sign-  M, Mu, Me, Ti, Tu

Compatible signs- Aries, Gemini, Saggitarius

You possess an optimistic and friendly approach to everything. You seek attention and love entertaining others. You are very loyal to your partner and have the ability to express your feelings in the most beautiful way. However, you are self-obsessed and often behave egoistic and stubborn. 

  • Virgo Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Mercury

Alphabets for Moon sign-  Sh, Na, P, Pi, Pu, and T

Compatible signs- Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra

You possess good problem-solving and communication skills. You seek mental stimulation and focus on minute details at work. Your desire to find perfection in everything often irk other people. At times, you behave very sensitive and overthink on matters of less concern.  You want to serve people and feel very considerate towards your family and friends.  

  • Libra Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Venus

Alphabets for Moon sign-  R, Ru, Ro, Ta, and Te

Compatible signs- Gemini, Cancer, and Capricorn.

Being born under this sign, you desire peace and harmony. You need balance in their life and love creating a delightful and beautiful environment around you. Your emotions often hinge on your social interactions.  In hard times and tough situations, you work diligently and make rational decisions that are rare for any other Moon Sign native. 

  • Scorpio Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Mars

Alphabets for Moon sign-  N, Y, Na, Ni Nu, Ne, Yi, and Yu

Compatible signs- Cancer and Pisces

You are very loyal and romantic when it comes to love. As per Vedic astrology, you possess mysterious and secretive nature. You prefer relationships that offer transformation and tend to be very resentful if hurt or cheated by the partner. 

  • Sagittarius Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Jupiter

Alphabets for Moon sign-  Bh, F, Dh, Bhu, and Bhi

Compatible signs- Aries, Leo, and Pisces

You love traveling and exploring new places. You possess great wisdom and seek knowledge and eye-opening experiences. At times, you tend to be blunt and harsh when you feel people playing mind games with you. 

  • Capricorn Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Saturn

Alphabets for Moon sign-  Kh, Khi, Khu, J, and Ji

Compatible signs- Aries, Libra, and Aquarius

If you are born under the Capricorn Moon Sign, you tend to be very emotional and hard working. You possess down to earth thinking and is very ambitious about your career and personal life. You crave peaceful solitude to re-energize yourself.  

  • Aquarius Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Saturn

Alphabets for Moon sign-  Ge Gu, S and Sh

Compatible signs- Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces

Aquarius natives are individualistic, philanthropists and independent. They love their freedom and don’t compromise their ideals and space for anyone. They are very intelligent and rational. They feel happy with intellectual people and try to explore things always. 

  • Pisces Moon Sign

Ruler of Zodiac sign- Jupiter

Alphabets for Moon sign-  Z, Th, Ch, Chi, and Jhh

Compatible signs- Cancer and Scorpio

Pisces natives are very sensitive and emotional. You are born romantic and is very spiritual and idealistic in nature. You possess excellent intuitive abilities and usually see the world through rose-tinted glasses. Your creativity and imagination are wonderful and this makes you achieve your goals at work easily. 

So, what are you waiting for. Explore your moon signs and get your today’s predictions now. Step towards a better life by understanding your astrology signs and daily predictions.

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