

Ice cream

We all crave for a bucket of ice cream be it any season of the year. A dessert one can always rely upon. Be it to move on from a tough breakup or to cherish the best moments of your life, we have always put our hands on the creamy , delicious and smooth dessert. But with the plethora of flavors and some bizzare choices have you ever thought from where all of this started ? Well now lets dig deeper and invade the past of our favourite dessert !

Ice Cream

Straight from the Mediterranean region

According to the International Dairy Food Association, Alexnder The great was  the first ever recorded ice cream lover. While the exact line of dates are a little smoky, the IDFA traces ice cream origin to way back to 2nd century BC. Alexander the great enjoyed snow and ice flavored with honey and nectar. Making the list endless, there were other historical ice cream lovers like King Solomon.

Marco Polo —A different opinion, though!

Serving different angles to the history , Marco Polo  bought a mysterious flavor of ice cream.Then similar to the ones like macarons, Florentine Catherine de Medici introduced the French to icecream to as back as 1553 when she married Henry II. Icecream origin in a youngry( young and hungry) country ! The account of ice cream was opened in the newly discovered world with a letter in 1744 .

Ice cream

Thomas Jefferson, the undisputed Francophile had a stock of French recipes, bundled with some for gourmet vanilla icecream. Apart from just the vanilla favoritism in the colonies and around. First Lady Dolley Madison, popularized strawberry icecream by making a “magnificent” version for her husband’s second inaugural banquet.

So tossing the discoveries what is the real story?

Luckily, icecream has come a long way from all these discoveries with due respect to every origin. There are many opinions and stories regarding its origin but putting down to them people mostly believe what they really like to. Therefore, till date there is no strong evidence or reports regarding the real origin of the icey child, but our love for it is beyond its origin. Share your part of the earlier heard story in the comments below


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