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A Complete Guide On Strength Training For Women


Women nowadays are equally conscious about fitness and physique as men. They try a lot of things including modern diet and exercise plans. However, they underestimate the utility of Strength Training for Women.

Today’s ladies chase the classic physique featuring round hips, toned thighs, rock-hard abs, and a fat-free slim body frame.

Well, the list is long and the pursuit to mark the items on the list is even longer. It takes a lot of effort and discipline to achieve a physique with all those features.

Nevertheless, we are here to discuss the role of strength training for women. Also, how it can help achieve their dream physique.

So, let’s begin…

Utility of Strength Training for Women

Strength training is usually sought as an activity tailored for men and the boys out there. However, that’s an old and obsolete notion.

This is also because women earlier were neither that aware of their fitness nor needed it as much as they do now.

Also, when women started participating in physical exercises on a substantial scale, they were lots of other options devised for them.

They usually prefer exercises like Aerobics, Zumba, and Pilates which seem tailor-made for women’s needs.

No doubt, these exercises are very effective in losing body fat and improving muscle tone. But strength training can do both and also add a lot of other benefits as well.

Strength training holds a very high utility for women. Please don’t think of it as a way to get jacked up. Strength training has a lot of other important aspects than just building muscles and making you buffed like She-Hulk.

Let’s have a close look at the strength training benefits for women…

Strength Training Benefits for Women

Strength training has a reputation of being a physical activity that makes you bigger and stronger. And women usually don’t aim for that kind of physique.

Yes, the prime focus of strength training is to make you butch, buffed, and ripped. Although that’s not the only thing it does.

Strength can deliver the following key benefits to women:

#1: Corrects Posture

Body posture plays a major role in your outlook. Even a minor deformity in your posture just ruins your whole appearance.

Strength training exercises are well-equipped to make your body posture right and pleasing. The stress these exercises put on the major portions of your body, make your bones and joints move correctly.

This eventually rectifies the minor flaws present in your body posture.

#2: Improves Bone Density

Women are more prone to osteoporosis and age-related decline in bone density. Countering these effects is among the most noted benefits of strength training for women over 40.

Again the stress, load, and movement your bones go through during the strength training exercises do the trick.

This improved bone density is also sustained for a long period of time.

#3: Aids Weight Loss

Strength training is not only for those who want to get big. You can also lose a good amount of weight through it.

Exercise comprising the strength training routine are quite draining and exhausting that burns out a lot of calories from your body.

This eventually results in help to the weight loss process.

#4: Strengthens Cardiovascular Health

However, all the other exercises the ladies do are especially for cardiac health. But strength training also helps strengthen the cardiovascular system of your body.

The increased heart rate and pulse during the exercises and the same sustained for longer durations improve the capacity of your circulatory and respiratory systems.

#5: Positive Effects on Moods and Mental Health

Women generally suffer more mood swings and other such problems in comparison to men. Strength training might improve the condition of frequent mood swings.

It neutralizes the stress-causing hormones and keeps you in a better mood always. Strength and weight training exercises are really good for mental conditioning.

So, these were the few key benefits of strength training for women. Now, let’s see the best strength training exercises for them…

Best Strength Training Exercises for Women

Following are some of the best strength training exercises for women:

#1: Kettlebell Swings

The kettlebell is the most used piece of equipment in the women’s exercise routine. It’s used even more than the dumbbells and weight plates.

The kettlebell swing is a dynamic exercise involving the movements of your arms back and hips. The exercise is ideal for burning a large number of calories and improving muscle tone.

Also, it strengthens the core and lower body muscles.

Pointers about performing the exercise:

  1. Free up your joints before the exercise by doing some mimicking movements
  2. Make sure your muscles are sufficiently warmed up and stretched
  3. Your hips must be activated and under load during the whole movement
  4. When you reach full extension, your lest must be straight and glutes must be tight

#2: Planks

One of the best bodyweight exercises to improve your posture, endurance, and core strength. If you want to attain that dream figure you see in movies or calendar models, this is a must-include one into your routine.

Planks look simple but take a lot out of you. However, you can start slow and then improve with the increase in your strength.

Some pointers on planks:

  1. Try to keep your elbow directly under your shoulders and the fists directly under your eyes
  2. Maintain a solid alignment between your head, spine, and legs
  3. Hold the body tight, thighs tucked, and glutes squeezed
  4. Breathing is important. Ensure inhalation through the nose and exhale through the mouth

#3: Power Lifts

Women generally avoid this section as they think it’s only for men to build hulking muscles. That’s total nonsense.

Power lifts including deadlifts, weighted squats, and bench presses are equally beneficial for you as they are for the men out there.

Although it’s understandable to rule out the power lifts from beginners strength training workout for a woman. But when they are used to training, it’s necessary to include the lifts in their workout.

It builds strength and stamina. Also, these lifts improve their physical capacity and prevent them from quite a few injuries.

Hence, these three exercises are the best ones for women’s strength training regime. Back them up with a healthy and nutritious diet, you’re all set to attain your dream physique.

Supplements might also help you through the process. In fact, they can ease it out for you.

Let’s see what kind of supplement you may use…

Supplement for Strength

The D-Bal Max Results suggest it as the best supplement to support strength training. It’s an idea to build muscle and keep the energy levels up throughout the day.

It’s a legal alternative to the anabolic drug, Dianabol. D-Bal Max mimics all the good effects of Dianabol leaving out the negative ones.

The powerful effects of the supplement are powered by powerful ingredients including 20-Hydroxyecdysterone, BCAAs, and Whey Protein Complex.

All the ingredients in the composition are extracted from natural sources. This makes the supplement safe to use for all. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women are not advised to take this supplement.

D-Bal Max improves the protein synthesis inside the body which is responsible for muscle growth and strength.

Also, it reduces serotonin and increases ATP content in the cell to spike up the energy levels.

The D-Bal Max Before and after results are quite satisfactory according to the testimonials by various real consumers.

On that note, let’s now sum up…


Strength training has been a go-to way for men for a long time now. Although we always ignored its utility for the ladies out there.

It’s as beneficial for women as it is for men. Most women have concern that strength training would take away the gentle and classy feminine flair from their personality and make them butch.

However, it is not true at all. In fact, strength training amplifies the natural curves of the female body and makes them more prominent.

This eventually adds up to the aesthetic aspect of their personality. Additionally, it delivers a lot of other benefits related to physical and mental wellness.

Hope the information was helpful!

Go out there and train hard!

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