
What are the Benefits of Learning Animation for a Brighter Career?

Whats are the benifits of learning animation

The term “Animation” refers to a process that simulates the motion with a series of pictures. In the beginning, the animation is involved in drawing or painting pictures that were photographed and displayed in the film. Nowadays, the animation is mostly made with computer-generated imagery, which is known as CGI. We see animation everywhere- in films, educational content, games, cartoons, and even on social media.


About the Industry


According to Grand View Research’s analysis, the global 3D animation market will reach USD 39.96 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 11.7 percent from 2021 to 2028. In recent years, animation has established itself as a well-defined career path with promising job possibilities. Additionally, there are a variety of 3D animation courses in Kolkata available that can lead to a rewarding profession.


Future of Animation in India


what is the future of animation

The media and entertainment and ITES (information technology-enabled services) industries both rely heavily on animation. Candidates who complete 2d and 3d animation classes will have numerous opportunities to put their talents and expertise to the test. India’s film and television industries are among the best in the world, and it serves as a testing ground for young animators. In Indian films and television shows, the use of special effects is rapidly expanding. Only skilled animators can create the amazing special effects we see on screens. Aside from entertainment, advertising is another field in which animation is often employed. The majority of appealing ads are the result of outstanding animation skills. Commercials for television or the internet employ both 2D and 3D approaches.

Advertising is not only limited to television; it is also prevalent on the internet. The internet offers a platform for people all over the world to share information, videos, photographs, and messages as well. A well-executed web page animation will undoubtedly draw millions of viewers from around the world.


Benefits of Learning Animation for a Brighter Career


We have pinpointed a few points where we can list a few benefits of learning animation for a brighter career.


Awesome job Opportunities


Animators are an important part of the hiring pool in a variety of industries. Their requirements can be found in a variety of places. The idea that animators are primarily in need in the media and entertainment industries is no longer valid. From the information and technology sector to private individuals and digital marketing firms, all demand a diverse range of animation expertise.


Daily, Content of animation is necessary for curation on e-commerce and e-learning websites. Animators account for around 12% of all new jobs created each year. This graph will continue to rise regardless of the country’s economic situation. Entertainment is one of the few industries that is unaffected by economic downturns. An excellent cartoon performance or animated feature in the theatre is always popular. Therefore, major investments have started pouring into production studios all over the country, and there are now three times as many job opportunities as five years ago.


Full-Fledged Freedom of creativity

Adults frequently complain about the limitations that a job may impose. During the course of learning animation, one finds that the animator has complete creative control. You get to use your imagination and make your ideas a reality. One can build whatever their imagination allows and be compensated for it. If you think about some of the greatest animators of all time, they were all the result of some creative thinking outside the box. Do you believe someone could have offered instructions on how to make the minions? They also happen to be one of the most adorable characters ever.


 Smart Money Making Through Freelancing


Freelancing is a superb option for animators. If freelance is what you want to do, this will not be the last resort, but it will be a highly beneficial move. You can work on short-term projects for Youtubers, media firms, and production companies, among other things. There will be a plethora of job advertisements available online where you can look for these positions. It has become easier to deliver labor without being physically present as a result of the rise of industrialization and globalization. Because of the low cost of labor and high quality of work, many foreign studios outsource work to Indians. You’ll be able to put it to good use. These are the benefits of learning animation.


Why is it Important for Educational Institutions to Have Animation?


The educational system has a critical influence in shaping future leaders’ perceptions and personalities. Existing learning frameworks are unable to meet the understanding needs of these kids. By delivering visual content that helps pupils understand the subject matter more effectively and more efficiently. Animation gives additional brain stimulation to kids. Because animation allows students to experience the subject matter in action, it is a good choice.  The complexity of difficult subjects is simplified through animation. According to studies, a process is dynamic and retains for a longer period of time than one that is vocally accompanied. Animation plays a significant role in today’s multimedia sector. It is also a medium that is popular not only with young students but with elders as well. And as they have adopted new skills, animation is a skill they want to learn.


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We Have Pointed out a Few Advantages of learning Animation at an Early Age:

1. Self-Expression

Children can communicate their ideas and thoughts creatively with the help of animation. Just like the art such as music and dance. Animated characters allow them to communicate their creative ideas.

2. Growth of Imagination

Nowadays, students think beyond the box and use both their imagination and logic. However, it also enables students to successfully communicate their ideas and familiarizes them with the use of animation tools. If your logic and imagination are directly inclined towards the creation of animation, then we have an article that will help you with how to create an animated video.

3. Constant Engagement

It is no surprise that young children are stuck on their tv screens. Why? because animation is very engaging. As an audiovisual medium keeps a child mentally and physically engaged that is why animation is in demand. However, for the higher engagement learning the animation process will help them to understand the world of their favorite characters.

4. Problem Solving

Animators will get a grasp of their constraints, employ creativity, and enhance their technical and creative problem-solving skills as they study the tools and plan the production of their projects.

5. Technical Skills

Additionally, to be able to use technical programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, and others on school assignments, university assignments, and in their future employment, students must be familiar with them.


Above all, the field of animation has a wide range of applications. In recent years, the animation industry has grown at a breakneck pace. Choosing a career is now easy. There are so many benefits of learning animation. This industry’s primary constraint is its labor. The supply chain for animation, as well as the demand for it, is in serious jeopardy. Additionally, this business provides a wealth of chances for young people interested in pursuing a career as an animator. Although, animators are in nearly every business nowadays, including game studios, advertising organizations, IT corporations, movie production houses, and even educational institutions. However, there are several animation courses available in Kolkata; one of the most reputable colleges for learning this course is Red Apple Learning, which has the best faculty members and can provide you with all of the necessary information about new tools and techniques.



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