
Birth Month Stones: What Stones Are For Each Birth Month?


If you have been wondering what stones are associated with your birth month, look no further! Below is an easy to use chart that lists the birth months and the appropriate birth month stones associated with each one. Also included are some of the popular ways these stones can be used to help bring their owners health, wealth, love, luck, and protection in their lives. Hopefully this will help you to decide which stones are best suited to your needs!


January – Garnet

January’s birthstone is garnet, which represents selflessness and kindness. Learn more about January birthstones here! You can find garnet earrings, pendants, necklaces and more at Zales. Shop birthstone jewelry for each month here . Garnet was used in antiquity to produce tools for cutting and carving gemstones, as well as grinding powders and pastes. Read on to discover more about garnets… [include link to January stones] [Read More…] A birthstone is a piece of jewelery that you wear or give someone close to you on their birthday. Birthstones are based off of a person’s birth month (the same way an astrological sign is based off of a person’s date of birth).

These pieces are given by loved ones as a gift, but there are some traditions surrounding them that make them special too. The most common tradition says that you should choose your child’s first stone when they’re born and then continue giving them another stone every year until they turn 18 years old. If you want to get into some other traditions surrounding birthstones, read on!


February – Amethyst

February babies are usually an optimistic bunch. They are both smart and social, so try gifting them with an amethyst to help boost their mood as well as their mental capabilities. In ancient times, it was believed that amethysts were extremely effective against poisoning because of its rich purplish hue. If you have a February baby in your life, make sure to share that bit of trivia with them! It’ll surely be a hit at any dinner party. You can also find beautiful pendants or rings made out of these gorgeous gems on Amazon for less than $20. That’s a steal! It’s also important to note that while they’re called February birthstones, they can be worn by anyone who appreciates purple stones like Aquarius or Pisces individuals during any month throughout the year.


March – Aquamarine

Aquamarine is said to enhance intuition, calm and balance emotions. With calming energies, it helps remove negative influences from one’s environment or help reduce self-destructive behaviors. March babies may also be helped by green aventurine, which has similar energy. A clear quartz cluster or rose quartz crystal can also serve as a powerful aid to March’s growth during their first year of life. [Read more: Birth Month Stone Meanings]


April – Diamond

Born in April, your birthstone is diamond. Diamonds are a traditional symbol of stability and strength, making them an appropriate cubic zirconia for those born in April. However, given its high value, many jewelers don’t offer diamonds as an April birthstone—instead they give customers emeralds or aquamarines instead. While these gems are certainly beautiful, they’re no substitute for diamonds! If you’re interested in wearing a diamond as your April birthstone, consider choosing from one of our loose gemstones—you can even choose a different stone for each finger! Or, if you prefer something with more sparkle than a single large stone, we also have birthstone bracelets featuring multiple small diamonds.

If you’re looking to wear some jewelry featuring your birth month’s birthstone (or if you just want to know what that might be), here’s a handy list:


May – Emerald

Emeralds are said to bring luck and good fortune. Because they were once reserved for royalty, emeralds represent stability and harmony. The color of spring, emerald also symbolizes new beginnings. May’s birthstone is perfect for those seeking inner peace – or just a bit of green in their pockets! Green gemstones like emerald can be associated with healing, prosperity, and fertility. They’re thought to promote creativity and love as well as giving an overall sense of happiness and well-being. Emerald is also known as a fertility stone so women may choose it to help boost their chances of getting pregnant – particularly around ovulation time when conception is most likely.


June – Pearl

The pearl is also known as a symbol of modesty and purity. The pure white surface of pearls represents innocence and modesty. So if you are born in June, pearl will protect you from evil eye and bring lots of fortune to your life. Pearls have long been a part of jewelry for centuries, but they weren’t used just for looks. It was believed that wearing them would bring health, good luck, prosperity and protect against disease or misfortune. Regardless of which month you were born in, there is a gemstone associated with each month.

If you want to know what gemstone belongs to your birth month click here to find out more information on each stone. There are other birthstones than these, but these are not commonly used today. (Amethyst, Bloodstone, Citrine, Chrysoprase) In addition to birthstones that represent months in a year there are birthstones for zodiac signs too! (Aquamarine – Capricorn; Garnet – Leo; Pearl – Libra; Sapphire – Sagittarius). There’s no better way to show off your astrological sign than by carrying around one of these beautiful gems! I personally love garnets because I’m a Leo myself!

I hope you enjoyed reading about Birth Month Stones and hopefully it helped you learn something new about yourself or others!


July – Ruby

People born in July may have a bit of trouble focusing on specific goals, but they’re great at coming up with new ideas. That makes ruby an excellent birthstone for anyone born in July. The red color of a ruby also symbolizes passion and energy. A perfect gift for someone born in July! To learn more about each birth month stone, check out our list of birthstones here. If you don’t see your birth month listed, contact us or leave a comment below! We’d love to hear from you.

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August – Peridot

This stone not only reminds us of August’s birthstone, but is a calming stone that helps people in high stress jobs. It can also help people who are overly emotional to find happiness and balance. In Greek, Peridot means unwearable, which seems strange since it has been used in jewelry for thousands of years. The value and use of Peridot dates back to ancient times when they were considered one of three sacred stones (along with topaz and jasper). They are all thought to have healing properties as well as represent faithfulness, purity, health, joy, long life and hope.


September – Sapphire

The September birthstone is sapphire, a variety of corundum with a beautiful blue color. According to an old English folklore superstition, if you dream of finding or wearing sapphires it means you’ll have good luck and happiness for that day. Another interesting thing about sapphires is that many people consider them to be lucky stones – and they’re certainly pretty. Whether or not you choose to believe in their supposed power over dreams and fortunes, they certainly add some sparkle to your birthday month!


October – Opal

Opals have long been known as birthstone for those born in October. If you want to use a more rare stone for your month, consider moonstone, which is considered to be more powerful and beneficial than opal. Both are beautiful stones though, especially when set in silver or gold jewelry. Some opals can actually change color depending on how they are viewed; that’s where moonstones come in handy because they reflect light from every angle like a mirror so there isn’t really a wrong way to view them. Whether you prefer opal or moonstone, both make for beautiful and meaningful birthstones for anyone born in October.


November – Topaz

The birthstone for November is topaz, and what better way to harness its positive energy than by wearing it every day? Topaz is associated with creativity, generosity, understanding, stability and good health. The December birthstone is zircon, which has similar properties to topaz. However, topaz comes in a wider range of colors—from deep gold to vibrant pink to sky blue—which makes it a great choice if you love color or want something that won’t clash with your wardrobe. You can also carry around a little piece of your birth month stone with you by using an engraved charm. Birthstones are considered especially lucky when they match your astrological sign as well as your date of birth!


December – Turquoise

Turquoise is a traditional birthstone for those born in December. Its popularity can be traced back to ancient times, when turquoise was thought to protect against evil spirits and bring good luck. If you were born in December, don’t worry if you haven’t given much thought to buying yourself a turquoise piece of jewelry. If you can’t find anything that catches your eye at first glance, feel free to browse through our other gems until something piques your interest.

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