
956 grand canyon mid- air collision

air collision

This is the story of 956 grand canyon mid-air collision.

June 30, 1956, Grand Canyon, USA. There was a great catastrophe that destroyed the whole system of air travel. The two American flights crashed twenty-one thousand feet above the Grand Canyon. The planes rolled and fell like a whirlwind.

The planes crashed into the abyss, one of the great wonders. No flight records, no witnesses, no radar records. Mysterious tragedy. It’s a mysterious place. People cant reach easily. The accident remained a mystery. But a series of forensic tests helped the suspects find the plane

But the forensic expert found some things. However, experts concluded that the cause of the crash was not an engine failure. There the new answers became clear. In their conclusion entire air line systemic  changed

What is the reason for air collision?

Truly it’s not a problem of the pilot. The air traffic system is the cause of this catastrophe. But it is not the pilot or the staff who are to blame. Just change the system. We are talking about a catastrophe that has caused a great change in the field of aviation.

1950 was the golden age of American capitalism. They came up with their hard work. They made a lot of money through trade. Most of the American people were non-Muslims. In their hands came a lot of money with hard work.

So they began to buy more and more. Companies were competing to make goods for them. What happens in the other situation. More vehicles began to ply. So the vehicles came ready to carry the products.

It was during this time that major roads were built in the United States. The longest highway came up during these periods. Naturally, the streets began to fill. The vehicles could not be parked. That’s when the dwarves entered the arena. A situation has arisen where air vehicles have to be used.

Naturally, planes were needed to transport the goods. So the market and people ask new transporting system like air freight. At that time, there was an air charge that ordinary people could afford. So people started using planes more and more. It was during this period that business executives began to use aircraft more and more for travel.

Meantime need of air flight higher.  At that time, there was an air charge that ordinary people could afford. So people started using planes more and more. It was during this period that business executives began to use aircraft more and more for travel.

No one was paying attention because of the rush. No one was aware of the dangers that might arise there. The aviation business that existed at that time became dangerous. Until the 1950s, the sky in the United States was out of control. There were no exact rules. There were no adequate studies.

At that time, there were no security measures for air travel. The sky near the airports was very traffic. So radar is introduced in airports. Security has been beefed up at airports. But the rest of the routes did not have security.

So there was a chance of an accident. These factors led to the accident. The sky adjacent to the airport became a controlled space. But after that, the area became an uncontrollable sky. The eastern regions became the control space as the air was busy. But the western regions were less crowded.

Therefore become an uncontrolled area. Pilots are solely responsible for the safety of aircraft after takeoff. There were no signal systems in the uncontrolled areas. The situation at the time was that the pilot was solely responsible for the flight. Therefore, the responsibility for the aircraft rests solely with the pilot.

Arizona, Nawada, and Luta become uncontrolled travel space. The main reason for this was the low level of air traffic. Only 15 per cent of the U.S. population lived here. So no one was paying attention to what was happening here. No one had learned about the problems in this area.

Therefore, these western areas became unregulated air traffic areas. Flights departing from California must fly over these states to the eastern regions. Transworld Airlines Flight 2 was a plane that had to travel this route.

Its abbreviated name is TWa 2. The world was going daily from Angeles to East New York. In the meantime, the plane had only one stop. Only in Cancer City, Missouri. It is a triple taed four-engine aircraft. It was a 100 – passenger plane.

The plane was flown by Jack Gunty, a pilot who trained to fly for 15,000 hours. Jack had flown 177 times from loss angel ace. This plane was supposed to fly east from California. It was a daily flight to Los Angeles.  A total of 70 people were on board at the time of departure.

There were some problems during the opening of the plane. After fixing it, the flight started its journey. The plane took off a minute after 9 p.m. One minute after 9 a.m., another plane was about to take off on the runway. The second plane arrived three minutes after the first.

Both take off from the same airport. The second aircraft is the United Airlines Flight 718. Let us abbreviate this as UAF718. Shirley, who has flown 17,000 km, is the pilot of this aircraft. Exactly three minutes after Twa2 took off, the UFF took another runway.

twa2 turns slightly north and travels south. UAFUaf turned slightly south and travelled north. The two planes meet over the Grand Canyon in Arizona. They need to contact the Salt Lake City control room in Utah.

They are the ones giving new directions. Salt Lake City is located just behind the painted desert line. At that time, the pilot could not make direct contact with the air flight control room. There will be a flight attendant in the air flight control room. Radio Control Operator is the person forwarding the pilot requests to the control room.

He is the one who gives the instructions to the pilot. He will talk to the control room. The instruction received from there will be handed back to the pilot. Pride that it has now accepted twa2 is flying at an altitude of 19000 feet. They need to change the plane to an altitude of 21,000 feet. This is because of the bad weather at 19000 feet.

So they handed over the instructions to their employee radio operator in the control room. He asked permission from the control room. But here control takes one decision that discusses with the Sal lake city control room. So Avon contacted the control room at Salt Lake City.

The TW Ettu is currently flying at an altitude of 19,000 feet. They need to change their plane to an altitude of 21,000 feet. It needs your permission. The control room in Los Angeles was handed over to Salt Lake City. The UF is currently flying at 21,000 feet. Therefore, this proposal can not be accepted.

Salt Lake City gave the instruction to the Los angles control room, from there to the radio operator. But here the radio operator said there was another need. They need to change their plane to an altitude of 1000 on top. What is 1000 on top? The flight usually follows two rules.

What is VFR

One rule is VFR visual flight rule. This rule of flight is based on what the pilot can see directly. Now the plane is above the cloud. They need to be moved to a height of 1000 feet above the cloud. This is 1000 on top. Now let’s talk about the second rule that the plane follows.

The second rule is the instrument flight rule. Ifr is the name of the rule to follow the aircraft based on the distance the aircraft takes off from below. It uses ground-based navigation equipment to make decisions based on the current altitude of the aircraft. Now, this rule is banned. But that time IFR is using

Now the pilot of twa2 wants to fly at an altitude of 1000 feet above the clouds. The pilot forwarded the request to the radio operator. He reported it to the control room. Can you guess what the control room is going to answer? If not, check out the next blog. Click the link to read next.




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