
90 Best YouTube Video Ideas for Artists

youtube video ideas for people

Best YouTube Video Ideas for Artists – There are many imaginative ideas for content that can be posted on a YouTube channel that are art-based and they don’t require a final product! Here are some ideas to aren’t required and don’t need to make use of your talents.

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Best YouTube Video Ideas

1. Art Supply Haul

Videos about hauls are a hit on YouTube and are particularly popular when it comes to products from the categories of beauty and fashion. Making a video about the items you purchase from the local art supply store is fun as well!

2. Review Art Books

Books on art can be an ideal source of inspiration for getting your creativity flowing. When you’re reviewing a brand new book or sharing a favorite with friends and other artists, they will appreciate your ideas.

3. Art Giveaway

Everyone likes to win free items. Give away unique pieces to thank your loyal customers and increase engagement.

4. Life Hacks

Working with art media is messy. Discuss some storage techniques and tips you’ve picked up throughout the many years.

5. Show Old Artwork

If you are the artist you are, likely have an assortment of work from the past in a storage room somewhere. Take them out and show your viewers or offer an overview of your art pieces that are currently on display.

6. Studio or Workstation Tour

Instead of just displaying your work, show an insider’s view of how the magic occurs.

7. Art ASMR

If you are able to find ways to blend your work by incorporating an independent sensory reaction and capture the interest of people from two different viewers.

8. Show Your Favorite Art Supplies

The artists and their fans are eager to learn which brands and supplies are your top picks and the reasons.

9. Art Supply Reviews

Are there any must-have items in your art studio, or products you’ve tried but would not recommend? Review your products with other artists.

10. Paint With Me Video

Create your own Bob Ross and teach others how to paint with your own ideas and techniques.

11. Sketch With Me Video

Drawing is a skill however, it is also a skill. Learn some methods to help others to master the art of drawing.

12. Your Art Journey

If you’re not feeling like taking out the tools to make the next video you make, think about recording your artistic journey via vlog.

13. Show Your Sketchbook

Artists never stop drawing. Your sketchbook is a great way to entertain your fans and inspiring for other artists.

14. Common Things People Say to Artists

People who aren’t artists are usually intrigued by the work of professional artists. If they want to view your work or some other bizarre aspect of the lives of artists Share those special interactions via your YouTube channel.

15. Art Supply Unboxing

Similar to a haul clip Film your next shipment of equipment that you receive and detail what you ordered your viewers.

16. Talk About Your Niche

There are numerous styles methods, styles, and mediums in the field of art. A simple way to make a video is to speak about your area of expertise and the reasons you have chosen the area.

17. Introduce Your Brand

The majority of artists want to make themselves known in their field to gain fame and hopefully earn an income. There’s nothing wrong with creating a YouTube selling pitch for your career and yourself as an emerging artist.

18. Showcase Your Art Collection

Be it your own creations or collections you’ve collected from other artists over time Bring your treasures to people who love them and discuss the origins of your collection.

19. Walkthrough Video

Tutorial-style videos can provide valuable information to fellow artists who want to follow your steps.

20. Share the Latest Art Techniques

Have you perfected an entirely new skill, or have you heard of a new technique you’d like to learn? Make a video recording of it being used.

21. Cleaning How-To

The art world can be a very messy activity. Giving your best cleaning tricks can help other artists keep their studio (or the dining tables) free of all kinds of accidents.

22. Paint With a Friend

To make things more interesting Consider inviting someone else or your partner to make videos with you.

23. Collab With Another Artist Influencer

Contacting other artists within the same community can be an effective method to meet new people and build a sense of accountability to your craft.

24. Paint One of Your Followers

Another great contest idea is to give one lucky person the opportunity of being the source of inspiration for your next work of work.

25. “Get Ready” Video

A lot of work is required for certain projects. It is worth recording a few times that show the process and not just the end result.

26. Go to Local Galleries

There’s no better spot to be inspired than by visiting the local galleries of art. Make sure to share that impression on your channel.

27. Go to an Art Festival

Festivals are a great opportunity to meet other creators and their distinctive projects. Keep these moments on YouTube.

28. Affordable Art Creations

For many artists, art is a relaxing hobby, not a passion for serious work. If you have any easy and quick projects, then share them with your followers.

29. Advice Videos for Aspiring Artists

Video tutorials can be a fantastic method for experienced artists to provide value on their channels on YouTube.

30. Debunk Art Myths

Are there any myths you have heard about the art world as a profession or even being an artist you’d like to eliminate? Disput these in a live stream!

31. Do a Q&A

To truly connect with your followers, engage with them via live Q&A.

32. Talk About Beginner’s Mistakes

Making mistakes is part of learning, However, you can help artists avoid some of them by sharing your experience and your own experiences.

33. Discuss Different Brush Stroke Techniques

If you have more experience with viewers, think about sharing advanced techniques such as specific strokes of the brush.

34. Latest Updates on the Art World

There are a myriad of forms of art and new ideas are constantly being developed. If you’re aware, you can share information and updates on your channel for art.

35. Talk About Your Favorite Artist

An artist isn’t content to create art, they also admire the work of other artists. Tell us about your most loved artist with you and tell us the ways they inspired you.

36. Blindfold Drawing

Although it’s not the most useful skill, attempting to draw blindly could result in amusing and humorous video content.

37. 10-Minute Art Challenge

The art of making usually requires lots of time and dedication. It is also possible to discover what you can create in just 10 minutes!

38. Cheap Art Supply Challenge

The art of creativity is all about imagination and it doesn’t require skilledly designed tools or created materials to be inventive.

39. Painting With Condiments

In other words, you can use condiments instead of paint to create a truly delicious work.

40. Makeup Art

Not feeling hungry? It is common for people to enhance their appearance however, it can be used as sketches or canvas.

41. Crayon Art Challenge

Some people think of crayons as a gift for children however, some artists are able to achieve amazing results using only an ordinary box of crayons.

42. Three Color Challenge

We usually think of art as a riot of colors. What if, however, you were working using just a handful of shades?

43. Sharpie Challenge

Sharpies are a great choice for drawing. They have many fascinating properties and are used by artists often for drawing outlines and sketching on a variety of surfaces. What are you able to create using the markers on their own?

44. One-Month Sketching Challenge

Utilize it or take it away, they claim. Try filling up your sketchbook within one month or at the very least sketch something each day. Make a timelapse video of the result or procedure.

45. Draw With Non-Dominant Hand

For a real challenge test your skills, draw with the wrong hand, and test your drawing skills to see if it will help you save yourself.

46. Use Primary Colors Challenge

To demonstrate your mastery of color, stick to primary colors. Then, challenge yourself to mix what you require.

47. Use Secondary Colors Challenge

To make it more challenging To make it more difficult, you should make use of secondary colors.

48. Pastel Color Challenge

Lacking dark options pastels force you to look at shadowing and color matching in a different way. It’s an interesting task that can result in something distinctive.

49. Ballpoint Pen Challenge

Even using the most basic tools, like a pen some artists are able to create amazing artworks.

50. Food Painting

For a throwback classic fashion, make yourself a bowl of fruits or maybe a more contemporary food.

51. Recreate Classic Paintings

Many writers begin their careers in imitation of the classics. Do artists have the ability to do the same? Do it!

52. You can let your followers choose the size of your canvas

Engage with your audience by engaging them with questions, tools, or sizes of canvas.

53. How to Draw Different Facial Features

Drawing faces and faces requires exceptional ability. If you’re good at it, please share your most effective tricks.

54. DIY Light Table Tutorial

Light tables provide a variety of creative possibilities for artists. Make a video that explains the basics of what they are, and then show how they function.

55. How to Varnish Paintings

Varnish is a method to protect art, particularly painting on canvas, or any other strong backing. Helping other artists keep their art in good condition can be of significant value.

56. How to Edit Different Mediums

Certain materials in art are more durable than others. Sometimes, it is possible to tweak or erase any mistake. In other cases, you might need to paint over it.

57. How to Set Up an Online Store Idea

Many artists struggle to find a way to promote and sell their work. If you’ve succeeded in this regard then sharing your knowledge could be extremely valuable to struggling artists.

58. How to Make a Coloring Book

Coloring books and other kids’ books are great ways for artists to promote their skills.

59. How to Mix Different Skin Tones

The art of creating realistic human representations is one of the most challenging aspects of art. If that is your great characteristic for you, making tutorials could provide many benefits.

60. Shading With Pencils Tutorial

Certain artists are able to draw photorealistic images using just a pencil. If you’ve got an eye for shading, you can share your tricks in a short video.

61. Children’s Book Illustrations

Children’s books can be a fantastic opportunity for artists to transform their talents into cash. Make sure to practice on your channel, and perhaps something will stick!

62. Self Portrait

Self-portraits are a great and challenging activity for artists of all kinds.

63. Tarot Card Design

Tarot cards are becoming increasingly popular for amateurs. Designing unique art for them is an excellent marketing strategy to showcase your talents.

64. Playing Card Design

Cards are a popular option for artists who want to make money from their artwork.

65. Draw a Mandala

Mandalas are an enthralling art design that is suitable for a variety of purposes. You can try them to create engaging videos.

66. Mixed Media Art

Many artists break out of the mold by mixing different styles of art.

67. Childhood Self Portrait

A video of yourself at a younger age, or using a photo for reference or based on memories can be a memorable and intimate video.

68. Song-inspired drawing or painting

Create an album cover or draw something that has music that is playing on the background.

69. Galaxy Art

Galaxy art is extremely popular at the moment. Create some using paint pouring or another method that’s fun.

70. Paint With Coffee

There is no way to have too many cups of coffee. Have you ever thought about how the old cups could be used to create your work?

71. Christmas Art

Enjoy the Christmas spirit by putting a festive artwork that you can stream!

72. Thanksgiving Art

Thank God for the work in gratitude’s spirit!

73. Valentine’s Day Art

Show your love by displaying an exciting Valentine’s Day painting!

74. Halloween Art

Indulge yourself in the spooky holiday season with a creepy sketch or costume!

75. Hanukkah Art

Make Hanukkah a memorable event by creating a piece to wear every day!

76. Midsummer Art

Enjoy the solstice by using your creativity!

77. Carnival-Style Drawing

Let your inner carny out by creating a carnival-themed work!

78. New Year Art

Reward your resolutions in an art video with high resolution!

79. Draw the Seasons

You may be dreading winter, or dreaming about summer, think about the possibility of a seasonal collection.

80. Animal Series Videos

Get inspired by visiting the zoo, or create a lasting image of your pet with a collection of animals!

81. Holiday Series Videos

Small and big holidays are the perfect inspiration for your art project!

82. Art Inspired by Movies

Modifying or painting a movie poster can be an enjoyable project that is sure to please cinephiles and art-lover friends alike!

83. Art Inspired by Songs

It doesn’t matter if you have the tune playing in the background, or you want to express your emotions in a different way Try using the music as an artistic source.

84. Art Inspired by Books

A scene or book cover is an exciting way to bring readers to your mailing list!

85. Art Inspired by Video Games

Gaming is a huge trend at the moment, especially on YouTube. Get more followers by creating games that are fun to watch for your YouTube channel!

86. Flower Series Videos

There are few things that inspire artists as much as blossoms and nature’s beauty. Take a look!

87. Fairy Tale Series Videos

A collection of artwork that is based on fairy tales of the popular imagination is bound to draw the attention of viewers.

88. Folk-Tale Series Videos

Folktales and urban legends can provide interesting suggestions, focusing on perhaps the darker side.

89. Mythical Creature Series Videos

Dragons have been featured for a long time in artwork from all over the globe, and so do other mythological creatures.

90. Culture Series Videos

If you’re sharing your personal or absorbing the work of a different culture it can be amazing video content for your channel on YouTube!

91. Watch your favorite TV show and be inspired by the art

Another option is to make a rendition of your favourite TV show as sketches, paintings or whatever is different! It is certain that your work will be shared by those who love the show!


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