Digital Marketing

8 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing

benefits of social media marketing

Social media marketing requires both creativity and strategy.
While it may appear to be overwhelming but its importance cannot be overstated. It’s so important that 98% of marketers are using social media and about 79% of sales people outsell their peers by using social media for their business.However, not all businesses know about the benefits of social media marketing.

In fact, 55% of small businesses are not even using social media to promote their business. Even more concerning fact is that an additional of 25% of the businesses not even planning to use social media in the future.

If your thinking is among the 25%of businesses then keep reading this article. You are about to learn how social media marketing can help to build your business.
Some of the benefits of social media marketing which you’ll learn about include:

1. Build Brand Recognition

Increasing brand recognition is one of the most important marketing goals for any business. That is because consumers buy brands they recognize. Fortunately, social media allows for easy and effective brand building.

Social media is beneficial over traditional media because it can bring your brand in front of people more quickly and easily. Besides, it gets your audience looking at your brand even when they are not thinking about your brand or product.

2. Generate Conversation Around Your Brand

A great social media marketing strategy will generate conversation about your brand and products.

Generate conversation with consumers: Social media allows genuine conversation about your brand.
In doing so, they will receive a great amount of feedback about their brand or product.

3. Figure Out How To Connect With Your Audience Through Social Listening

Social listening is the act of observing social conversations around certain topics. It helps you to understand what is important to your potential audience and identify trends your target audience is following.

You will learn about what they are struggling with, which you can help by creating content focusing to those points.

4. Tell about your Brand’s Story

Using social media is a incredible way to share your brand’s mission and stories. Effective stories can greatly affect on your brand’s image. They can be basic or extensive depending on what you think will be most effective.

5. Gather Information From Audience Research To Improve

Audience research is like social listening. It searches for the keywords your audience will be using, but it is more focused on your specific product. You can use social media to gather this data.

6. Use Hashtags To Increase Your Reach

The hashtag is a powerful tool that can connect a group of similar minded people through social media. It is the a simplest way to greatly increase your reach.

But it it is important to keep in mind that more hashtags do not translate into more engagements. Too many hashtags will downgrade the quality of your message and it will get lost quickly.

7. Keep Your Customers Up-To-Date

Social media is one of the easiest ways of keeping your customers updated with your new products. If your business makes an announcement about a new product or an exciting event, it will catch on quickly and get people excited.

8.  Promote Your Content

This appears to be pretty general, right?

But, what are the most ideal ways to do that? Let’s take a look into the things that make a great difference such as headlines, having an image, and the time of the post. Each of these things are very important and must be considered while writing a social media message.

The most important thing that you should keep in mind while writing your messages is to be creative. You want to make sure that you are posting an original content.


Social media is the new way for people and brands to engage in today’s on the go digital world. As many companies are shifting their marketing efforts predominantly through various social media channels,businesses are looking for professionals who are expert in Social Media Marketing so that they can also reap the benefits of this successful marketing strategy.

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