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5 Ways To Strengthen Your Bond, As Told By Science

Ways To Strengthen Your Bond

Ways To Strengthen Your Bond

Ways To Strengthen Your Bond – Getting your couple to function is difficult enough under normal circumstances, so when you’re confined to four walls for weeks, things get even more complicated.

Indeed, you have no real escape. When you are stressed, you release the tension by taking on your partner for the smallest detail.

When you are worried/worried, you continuously talk about the problem with your other half, quickly getting fed up and feeling like you are suffocating them.

On the other hand, when you are happy, you overwhelm your partner with attention, affection, and love, which can be good, except when you’re going overboard and getting clingy.

Ways To Strengthen Your Bond,

In short, all feelings are heightened, and you cannot leave your home to calm down or to talk with other people. So you have only one solution: learn to handle all the situations (positive and negative) with your partner without breaking up.

My darling and I were talking more than before. We shared intimate things that we had never mentioned before. For example, we spoke in detail about our childhood, our plans for the future, and how we felt for each other.

Besides, we also did things we would never have done otherwise, like watching TV and cooking.

Our communication has improved, and we understand each other better now.

For example, I never realized how stressful my partner’s job was. Indeed, he always worked from home, so for him. It was not something new.

But, as I went to the office, I thought that for him it was easier. He could take breaks when he wanted and worked when he was motivated.

However, I discovered that all of this was not the truth. Like me, he has deadlines. Like me, he has intense business meetings and a whole team of colleagues who rely on him.

Finally, I realized that he was as stressed as I was. But unlike me, who could rest and relax once at home, my partner never leaves his workplace.

In short, we have learned a lot.

But being locked up at home can hurt relationships. Indeed, studies have shown that the divorce rate due to confinement is very high.

That’s why it’s important to find fun and relaxing activities for two. Some couples who don’t spend a lot of time together because one or both of them are working outside the home might welcome the opportunity to spend more time together.

However, other couples going through difficulties in their relationship can be anxious about being confined together. It could stir up a lot of negative emotions and lead to arguments.

So how do you strengthen your bond?

If you have trouble managing your confinement as a couple, here are some tips you can follow to enjoy this special moment for two calmly.

Respect everyone’s space is essential to understand that everyone needs to breathe a little. Since you cannot get outside to decompress a bit, schedule some free time during the day.

For example, every day at 2:00 p.m., each sits in a room in the apartment (or in a corner) and does an activity that you enjoy.

Each on your side! For two hours, do not speak and keep your distance.

1. Be responsible

Just because you’re confined doesn’t mean you have to let go. Your living space must remain tidy and clean.

But a partner shouldn’t do all the household chores. Indeed, you must distribute the obligations and keep a precise schedule of everything that must be done each day.

Engagement is the first step, a promise of marriage, and the most formal path in marriage preparations. They are different according to families and customs. It is a ceremony that can be celebrated in a sober or rather flamboyant way.

Since you can organize an engagement at your home, you can enlist the help of event planners to make it more special.

2. Plan activities

You have to find activities to relax together: listen to music, rest, have movie nights at home, read, draw, paint.

Learn something new together online – a new language, new recipes (buy ingredients online for contactless delivery). You can also practice healthy activities like yoga or Zumba at home!

3. Effective communication

Express yourself positively to avoid misunderstandings and not blame yourself for any mistakes or misunderstandings that may arise.

Also, you should avoid aggressiveness in your communication. Insults and shouting will get you nowhere. Besides, you shouldn’t minimize the importance of your partner’s feelings either.

4. Change your attitude and thoughts.

Do your best to examine the positive aspects of your spouse. Confinement is not the ideal time to “fix” the faults of your other half.

Couples who want a stylish, more complete little party are likely to prefer working with an event planner. To organize your engagement well, it is imperative to research the important factors that you need to pay more attention to.

So you should avoid pointing fingers at anything that bothers you about him or her. On the other hand, you have to take care of yourself. Even if you are confined, hygiene and intimate relationships are still important, so don’t neglect them.

Read also – 6 Reasons Why You Should Consult a Psychic About Love

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