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5 Ways to Maximize Your ROI With Responsive Search Ads

2018 was a significant year for advertisers. In July 2018, Google revolutionized A/B testing in Google Ads by announcing Responsive Search Ads.

RSAs have had a significant influence on marketers’ workload, and by automatizing ad layout, they can now make better conversions.

So, what is a Responsive Search Ad exactly? And how does it work?

Simply put, RSAs are one of Google’s latest text ad types. It uses machine learning to ask one question: What are the most effective combinations for your ad?

Google automatically tests multiple variations of your ad using the various headlines and descriptions you’ve set.

It’s important to know that you can write up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions. A good rule of thumb would be to provide at least 8 unique headlines and 3 descriptions.

Once Google collects that data, it will create multiple ads that perform well. Prospects will view the ad based on their browsing history and online behavior.

Here are 5 ways to help you maximize your ROI with Responsive Search Ads.

Set adequate KPIs to increase your ad impressions

To improve your ROI, a Responsive Search Ad is one of the most effective ways. If your RSAs can generate effective combinations that match more users’ searches than the traditional ads could, then you’ll be able to reach more audiences.

You must track an increase in your ad impressions by using adequate KPIs. A metric like click-through-rate (CTR) can do a perfect job. A higher CTR means that your ad applies to searchers’ queries.

Google considers CTRs of prime significance because they report to Google whether or not you’re attracting clicks.

Google asserted that RSAs have a 5-15% higher CTR compared to standard search ads.

When you have an expanded ad that is empowered by machine learning and ad extensions, you’re more likely to reach broader audiences who have every reason to click through.

So you want to be sure you use the right metrics for increased impressions.

Enrich your ad copy with various headlines

Variety is the secret ingredient to an effective Responsive Search Ad. Remember your ad needs to tell a meaningful story. Google’s machine learning uses an algorithm that combines the data you give it and matches it with search queries.

If you load up various headlines and unique descriptions, Google will use that data and make multiple text ads to attract multiple searchers.

Having created one standard text ad would have been impossible to attract those audiences.

Write ad descriptions that suit other headlines, by adding value, creating shock, or asking a surprising question.

There’s strength in numbers. So, insert at least 8 different headlines and 3 ad descriptions for better pairings.

Over time, Google Ads will prioritize the most promising ad combinations and put them to the test. Then, the program will filter the ones that worked from the ones that didn’t and act accordingly.

Target different searchers

People have an abundance of interests. Some people value fast deliveries, some value quality, and some can’t pass on a good discount.

Standard text ads, however, suffer from limitations that advertisers use. To reach your potential customers, you need to create adverts that answer a specific need.

RSAs can satisfy searchers’ needs. As a marketer, to ensure that your ad is answering the right Customer Needs, you must conduct ample research.

Determine what kind of people are looking for your product and then use various landing pages that target those users.

Using those 2 tactics, you can easily create 10+ headlines.

Apply suggestions from Google’s Ad strength tool

Do you need an extra asset, besides your experience, to find out how Google views your ad content?

Take advantage of the Ad strength tool—by Google!

Ad strength is a tool that “estimates the relevance, quality, and diversity of your ad content,” Google states.

The tool uses multiple factors to rate your headlines, descriptions, and keyword relevance.

It won’t report if your ad copy is persuasive or not, but it can suggest making a few changes.

These changes rest on your other ad assets which may include your standard ads, extensions, videos, and so on.

Rely on your customers to determine what works

To find out the most suitable ad copy that appeals to searchers, you can resort to your greatest resource: The customer.

However, don’t rely on the copy on your website to build your Responsive Search Ads. You’d be wrong to assume that the way you’re currently targeting your customers is the best, most effective way to do so.

To learn about your customers, use other opportunities at your disposal. Here are some tips to get you started:

It’s important to know that both standard ads and Responsive Search Ads are important. Of course, RSAs have better chances of landing broader searchers, but that shouldn’t stop you from repurposing successful RSA combinations.

Google may generate an effective headline and ad description combination. You could use that match to reach your audience by setting it up as a standard ad.


Google’s Responsive Search Ads are best for PPC campaign have helped marketers to manage their workload better and channel their money towards avenues that maximize their ROI.

As you’re testing and managing ad variations, advertising keeps draining your time, effort, and money. You don’t need that anymore.

RSA, Google’s magic wand, does all the work for you now. Will it keep being useful though? Only time will tell, but for now, it’s doing a pretty good job!

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