Home Improvement

4 Common Mistakes For Air Conditioning Installation Mistakes

air conditioning installation
Air Conditioning Installation

Air conditioners have become the primal source of relief from the scorching heat of the summers. The cooling power of this appliance is the best amongst all other cooling systems like the evaporative coolers. So, people prefer having the ACs, irrespective of the fact that it will cost more than the evaporative cooling system. The major hurdle comes in the form of the air conditioning installation and hinders work. You know that whenever you are asked to install a new AC, set everything right, starting from choosing the right AC size to the wirings. However, most professionals make silly installation mistakes, which cost them their reputation and also potential clients in the future. So, to help you out and prevent you from making such further mistakes,

Here we have discussed some of the common errors during the AC installation and how you can avoid them:

1. Improper Choosing of the Air Conditioner Size

The very first mistake which most professionals make is by choosing the wrong AC size. For example, say the room is about a thousand square feet and for that measurement, you at least need a two-ton AC. But, you made a mistake in calculation and installed a 1.5-ton air conditioner. So the air conditioner wouldn’t be able to cool down the place effectively, because of which your clients will complain.

Pro Tip: At the time of air conditioning installation, follow all the guidelines mentioned for comparing the capacity of the air conditioner as per the size of the room.

2. Wrong and Messed up Wirings

The wirings attached to the air conditioner are complex. But, at the time of air conditioning installation, if you do not pay proper attention, the wires will become nothing but a tangled mass of mess. This is the reason why air conditioner draws more electricity than intended or causes short circuit or overloading.

Pro Tip: Make groups of wires so that if you have to repair the air conditioner in the future, you would know what wire goes where. You can use cable ties, wire clippers, tapes, and other types of tools to make the groups and prevent overloading or short circuit.

3. Poor Water Drainage System

The air conditioner system runs due to the functioning of the coolant. This coolant is water in most cases, and, it needs to be drained out to prevent the accumulation inside the appliance. Sometimes, during air conditioning installation, the professional make mistake and designs an improper drainage system, which either drains out the water to a wrong place or cannot drain out the water completely.

Pro Tip: During designing the drainage system, make sure the ducts are sealed and the drainage pipe is opening outdoors, through a pipe, and is connected to the exterior pipelining system.

4. Wrong Placement of the Condenser and the Vents

At the time of air conditioning installation, you need to check whether the condenser of the system is placed properly or not. The function of the condenser is to change the heated gas back into the liquid coolant under high pressure. During this cycle, it releases a huge amount of heat hence, improper placement of this part will cause the condenser to heat up.

Pro Tip: Make sure to place the condenser in an area where the heat can be evenly distributed without causing its accumulation.


We understand that the air conditioning installation process is difficult. But, we hope that with these tips, you will surely be able to avoid the mistakes and accidents and will win over your clients easily.

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Molly Crowe, an experienced and professional blogger. I love to write blog on various topics, like: home improvement, health, automotive,etc