
11 Extremely Healthy Reason To Start Dancing

Reasons to dance

A good way out for those who are not adept at physical exercise is dance. Besides being very pleasant, it has a series of benefits, both physical and mental, it is a great ally of well-being, self-esteem, and health. Dance practice is true as a physical activity because it protects the body from heart and breathing issues, improves cardiopulmonary resistance, strengthens the muscles improving the sustaining power of the body itself, in addition to improving motor coordination, due to smooth movements. It also brings many benefits to mental health by helping to disinhibit the timidest, stimulating affective relationships, and interfering in the areas of behavior, improvisation, and collective and individual expression. If you want to know why we should start dancing, read some of the reason to start dancing below:

1. It is a weapon recommended by doctors to fight obesity and overweight.
Dancing also burns calories. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends this activity to combat the inactive sedentary lifestyle. The amount of calories that you burn while dancing varies according to the type of dance practiced. Because dedicating yourself to classical ballet is not the same as dancing flamenco or practicing how to bachata

2. It is good for the heart
Every time we enter the dance floor we are strengthening our cardiovascular system. This is due to the fact that when we dance, we activate circulation and heart rate. The American Heart Association recommends dancing as an aerobic exercise to reduce the risk of heart disease. And that’s not all: at the World Congress of Cardiology organized in Barcelona, ​​in 2006, the importance of dance in this area was highlighted. The experts gathered reinforced that dancing is more beneficial than the exercise bike or doing aerobics for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. 

3. Helps maintain muscle tone
Both muscle tones are known as that of others, not so much. Because when we dance we move areas that we don’t work on when we run, cycle, or play tennis. This happens even in ballroom dances, apparently more peaceful. Ken Richards, spokesman for USA Dance, an American professional dance organization, stated in an interview published in 2005 that, with this type of dance, the glutes are worked differently than when practicing another activity. “If you start learning basic bachata steps for beginners, you should start taking long steps back and forth. This is very different from walking or running in the neighborhood. ”

4. It’s good for memory
It may seem strange, but it’s the conclusions of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in June 2003. According to this research, dancing – like other leisure activities – can improve memory and prevent dementia. The benefit of increasing memory power is one of the best reason to start dancing. Aerobic exercise helps to slow the reduction in the volume of the hippocampus, which occurs as we age and is associated with reduced memory. That same study revealed that people with Alzheimer’s are able to remember forgotten facts when they go back to dancing to songs from when they were young.

Also check: Ballet classes

5. Improves balance
According to the Journal of Aging Studies, activities such as tango can improve the balance of people, including the elderly. This is because, to dance, it is very important to take care of the posture and strengthen the muscles with less support – unlike fast movements -, as well as the need to keep the weight on just one foot, or the movements on the tip of the feet can end in fall.
This is also the conclusion of a study carried out in an asylum in Brazil. After three months of experiments, a 50% improvement in balance and a reduction in the falls of the elderly who participated in ballroom dance classes for half an hour, three times a week were detected. “Being able to see these adults dance and spin with autonomy, balance and cognitive awareness of space and body allowed us to understand how it is possible to combine effective exercise with a pleasurable activity”, said Eliane Gomes da Silva Borges, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the main author of the study.
And why do the falls increase over the years? The explanation is simple: with age, muscle tone and sensory mechanisms that allow us to maintain balance are lost. A sedentary lifestyle doesn’t help either, as it accelerates the loss of that much-needed strength to easily stand upright. garantili takipçi satın alma

Improve body balance

6. It also increases flexibility.
Because dancing requires muscles to stretch and expand to perform different movements. This not only translates into the increased physical performance but benefits health in general. Reduces injuries, relieve joint pain, reduces post-exercise pain, and can even benefit people with Parkinson’s disease. To take advantage of these advantages, it is not necessary to take big ballet steps: a little stretching will be more than enough. It is the best reason to start dancing.

7. Helps to lower cholesterol levels
Remember that dancing is a physical activity like any other, so it has similar benefits to running, swimming or walking. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights exercise as a key element in the fight against the emergence of so-called bad cholesterol (LDL). “The introduction of small lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and eating healthy foods, can help prevent heart disease and stroke,” says Shanthi Mendis, coordinating physician for the Disease Prevention and Treatment unit. WHO Chronicles. Reducing body fat is the best reason to start dancing.

It is not just a physical issue, it is also a mental issue. And in this respect, dance therapy plays a fundamental role. “Dance offers a wide range of possibilities for therapeutic intervention, ranging from personal development to serious pathological disorders”, says Marcelli Ferraz, director-general at Instituto IASE. “This explains why we find individuals who are fans of dance practice who, without being aware of it, benefit from the therapeutic effects, and also patients who, with various psychopathologies, improve their mental health through this artistic practice.” In other words, disorders like depression or anxiety improve considerably through “therapeutic dance” interventions. Likewise, dancing also helps to relieve stress since, on the dance floor, we are able to forget our worries.

9. Improves self-esteem
“Through dance, the development of the individual experience of the body skills proper to physical training, such as greater mobility, elasticity, strength and coordination. This has an impact on body awareness, stimulating self-concept and self-esteem, which generates a therapeutic effect on the emotional level. This security provided by dance is also shown in the documentary Five Days to Dance. Wilfried Van Poppel and Amaya Lubeigt, the leading teacher couple, demonstrate to their teenage students how after a five-day experience they are able to overcome stage fright and feel more secure about themselves. “We all have something beautiful to teach, and with dance, that emerges,” says Lubeigt.

10. Corrects what sedentariness causes in our column

In addition to helping in the fight against obesity and overweight, dancing also helps to eradicate one of the feared consequences of a sedentary lifestyle: back pain. As we spend all day sitting in front of a screen, we tend to bend over and this ends up affecting the spine, resulting in back pain and other less obvious consequences. Because, when walking bent over, we don’t project a positive image of ourselves. To dance well, this posture must be corrected. The key is to throw your shoulders back, lift your chin and project your chest out. This is body language translates into security – what we previously called an increase in self-esteem – and in the physical, it leads to the end of many back pains. Don’t forget that dancing also improves muscle tone and increases flexibility.

11. Makes us a little happier and more energetic
As it is a physical activity that involves the release of endorphins, the well-known happiness hormone responsible for improving mood, it creates a state of well-being and combats the high levels of adrenaline associated with anxiety. In addition, they are stimulants, which means that when our bodies release these hormones, we receive an injection of energy. Hope you get enough reason to start dancing. 

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Caroline Kjeldgaard
My name is Caroline, a ballroom dancer. I started dancing at a very young age and got extremely passionate about ballroom dancing. My passion for dancing made me launch my own dancing website in the form of Dance Incubation. DANCE Incubation is my lifework and my vehicle to help people go from absolute beginners to feeling comfortable with themselves while dancing.