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10 Amazing Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

What is a pomegranate?

The pomegranate is an orange-colored fruit with tough ruby-red skin and sweet, gelatinous flesh containing many seeds. The seeds of the pomegranate are however edible and healthy. They are used in dietary supplements as an excellent source of polyphenols, including prodelphinidins, catechins, and condensed tannins.

History of the pomegranate

Originally grown as an ornamental plant, the pomegranate is native to the region from present-day Iran to northern India and has been cultivated for thousands of years in South Asia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean basin. The pomegranate is mentioned in the book of Exodus, in Babylonian literature, and in Homer’s hymns, and is said to have been present in the Garden of Eden.

Pomegranates have been known since the early Bronze Age, and the fact that dried pomegranates were found in the tomb of Thoth, one of the ancient Egyptian gods, indicates that pomegranates were more popular in ancient times than today.

The ancient Spanish city of Granada was named after the pomegranate during the time of the Moors, but despite attempts to introduce the pomegranate to Britain and other countries, it remained a hidden gem that nobody noticed.

Today, the pomegranate seed is a symbol of prosperity and happiness in Greek and Turkish cultures, and other cultures continue to try to discover this miraculous fruit.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Science never stops and the search for new superfoods continues every day. Fortunately, many researchers from around the world have taken an interest in pomegranate, and what they have already discovered has even surprised them. They have discovered that pomegranate not only improves health but also prolongs life. Pomegranate juice has been shown to control blood sugar levels, improve heart health and fight general inflammation in the body. Let’s take a look at the top 10 health benefits of pomegranate discovered by researchers.

1. Promotes heart and artery health.

Many studies and experiments have been conducted on the heart health properties of pomegranate. A study conducted by the Rambam Medical Center in Israel found that regular consumption of pomegranate juice could help reduce plaque, lower high blood pressure, and prevent inflammation and oxidation. Ten patients participated in the study and drank pomegranate juice for one and three years.

Another study conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology in Iran on 22 diabetics found that fresh pomegranate juice was effective in reducing cholesterol levels. The patients were asked to drink the juice for eight weeks.

In another study, 13 men between the ages of 39 and 68 with high blood pressure drank five ounces of pomegranate juice, which reduced their total hypertension by 7 percent after six hours. The experiment also confirmed that drinking pomegranate juice improves arterial function.

Researchers at the Institute of Preventive Medicine in California conducted a large study of patients with coronary heart disease. The patients were asked to drink eight ounces of pomegranate juice a day for three months. As a result, their blood circulation improved and their blood pressure dropped. Conclusion: Regular consumption of pomegranate juice can improve stress-induced myocardial ischemia in people with heart disease.

2. Fights chronic inflammation

Pomegranate has been shown to reduce the inflammatory activity of colon and breast cancer cells, which is due to the punicalagin in this fruit. Pomegranate juice also helps prevent and treat chronic inflammation, which in most cases leads to serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

3. Protects the skin from deadly sun damage.

Pomegranates have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that also contribute to skin health. Research conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison has shown that pomegranates can protect the skin from sun damage and keep it looking younger longer due to its anti-aging properties.

4. Reduce the risk of developing arthritis

There are many types of arthritis, but most have one thing in common: they cause severe inflammation in the joints, leading to unbearable pain and many other dangerous health problems. As mentioned earlier, pomegranate has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, so regular consumption can help treat arthritis and relieve joint pain.

These two studies have also shown that the anti-inflammatory properties of a pomegranate can be beneficial for people with osteoarthritis.

5. Reduces the risk of prostate and breast cancer.

Two important types of cancer pose a significant risk to both men and women. Pomegranates have been shown to contain compounds that slow the growth of cancer cells and stimulate apoptosis in cancer cells. A study from Duke University Medical Center in Durham found that giving pomegranate extract tablets to men with prostatitis before surgery to remove cancerous tissue from the prostate could reduce the amount of tissue that needed to be removed. These results are not yet conclusive and more research is needed, but there is no doubt that eating pomegranates are beneficial for men.

A few other studies have shown that pomegranate extract can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and even kill some. More experimentation is needed in this area, but we can confidently say that it is worth lighting a candle if you include pomegranates in your diet.

6. Promotes brain health

Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols, which have a powerful effect on brain activity. An international team of researchers at the University of Huddersfield found that the natural polyphenolic compounds in pomegranates prevent inflammation of certain brain cells, slowing or preventing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Another study was conducted on elderly people with memory problems, including those related to the aging process. They were given pomegranate juice to drink for four weeks. After four weeks, their visual and verbal memory scores improved significantly.

7. Fights fungal and bacterial infections

Pomegranates have antibacterial properties and are believed to kill fungal and bacterial infections, making them one of the most effective foods for fighting harmful bacteria in the body. Regular consumption of pomegranates can also help prevent diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and gingivitis.

8. Support for women of childbearing age

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Heidelberg in Germany showed that pomegranates contain a special substance that strengthens the muscles of the reproductive system and promotes labor in pregnant women.

Another study conducted by the University of Liverpool found that pomegranates had similar benefits. Making them one of the healthiest foods that pregnant women should eat more often.

9. Promotes liver health and fights hepatitis C

Chinese researchers found that flavonoids and polyphenols, the powerful antioxidants in pomegranate, protect the liver from damage.

Another study showed that regular consumption of pomegranates can significantly reduce the risk of contracting hepatitis C. This can cause severe damage to the liver, brain, kidneys, bones, joints, blood vessels, and pancreas.

10. Sexual health promotion

Pomegranate has been considered a natural aphrodisiac for centuries and is often associated with fullness and fertility. Of course, researchers have not overlooked this fact and have already conducted several experiments. Showing that eating pomegranates can improve sexual health.

A study conducted by Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh on 58 people between the ages of 21 and 64. Showed that pomegranate juice had a “Viagra” effect and increased testosterone levels in both women and men.

Another study showed that pomegranate juice has a positive effect on erectile dysfunction, making it an indispensable fruit for men.

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